After Jennifer heart break she started like this boy Id think she wants m e to tells his name so we will name him quiet kid so Jen liked both of them Jen couldn't decide she said that they are both cute except edick hit puberty way to fast and quiet kid was just a little short but Jennifer kept bragging about how quiet kid was sooo cute and hot and yeah yeah. and on the other hand edick was just dumb and hmm as Jennifer said kind refers him to hot 🙄 me and Jennifer are tryna find more stuff about him cause Jen doesn't even know this kid we usually tell our friend Jordin to find stuff about him. cause there in the same class. Jen started to feel more attracted to quiet kid and less attracted to edick over all edick kinda did break Jen's heart one day Jen saw quiet kid smile she said it was the sweetest thing ever now Jen wanted to be quiet kid girlfriend . once I tried talking to quiet kid and it went wrong he ignored me like I was just tryna become friends with him but he ignored me like I'm bull crap i was mad beacuse I just wanted to be friends so Jen can become friends with him. So then that can become
closer and then one day they cane be bf and gf and then husband and wife and then have kids. Uhh did I go a little over board. That's it stay tune.
Part 4 coming up stay tune :O