Rough day

18 0 0

(Few weeks later)
(Eren's now on crutches from his knee)

Levi's POV
I woke up to the sound of my lovers crutches leaving the room. When I heard him come back in the room I rolled over to see if he was okay. "Yeah, I just had to go to the bathroom." He said laying down. I then started to kiss his neck, trying to get him to moan. When I got him to moan I separated from his skin, to see him in tears. "What's wrong?" He shook his head and pulled the covers over his head. "I can't help if you don't tell me what's going on." I said starting to spoon him. "Today I have to go into court to testify against my dad, and you won't be there to help me get through the whole day." He whined rolling over to face me. "How's your knee feel?" I asked wiping his eyes. "It's not hurting today." "When's your next appointment for it?" I asked giving him a goodmorning kiss. "Next week is the day that we figure out what all is going on with my knee." He said in a light yawn. "How late were you awake last night?" "I don't know.. But I finished my essay, and my testimony." I then looked at my alarm clock across the room to see that it was past time for me to get ready. "We need to get ready, so you can go back to your house to get ready for court." I said watching him roll his eyes. "What would happen if I didn't go to court and just went to school?" "I would say that you will be getting tied to the head bored next time your over here..." I said watching him grin. "That's a risk I'm willing to take." He said in a light voice. "I love you, but you need to get home and actually go to court and settle this. And when it comes to Friday, you and I will cuddle by the fire and watch whatever you want." I said hearing him sigh. "Okay... I guess I'll see you when I see you." He said in a bummed voice, getting out of bed. "Try to have a good day baby.. I love you." I said following him out to the front door. "I love you too.." He said before I started to kiss him.

Eren's POV
I really don't want to go to court and testify against my own dad, but in the same sentence I might actually get to come out to my parents as gay. I've been hiding the fact that I'm gay since my Freshman year.

Anyway, when I got home my mom was in the kitchen talking on the phone. I tried to get past her, but my crutches didn't let me. "How was your sleep over sweetheart?" My sleepover with my English teacher... Well, we had sex.. I can't tell my mom that. She would probably flip. Think of something... "It was good. We uh.. We mainly played video games the whole night... But uh.. It was good." I said watching her start to smile at me. "Okay.. How's your knee feeling?" "It uh... It's fine. I gotta go take a shower." I said starting to feel sweat form on my forehead. "Okay.. If you need anything just call me." Mom said as I started my way slowly up the stairs. When I walked into my room there was a box on my bed with a note on top.

"Eren, I've noticed that you've been separating yourself from me, so I asked some of my friends what they would do if their son was doing that, and they said to confront them. So this is my way of saying, I accept you being apart of the lgbtq.. I got you a little something in regards to this topic. I hope you like it. Love mom"

I opened the box to find that it was a gay pride flag. I quickly grabbed my phone and called my mom up to my room. "It's just me." Mom said knocking on my door walking in. I then crutched my way over to her and gave her a hug. "What's this about?" "You made it easier on me of coming out." I said watching her smile. "How long have you been hiding it?" "Freshman year.." I said in a light chuckle. "Who's the lucky guy that you've been staying with?" How do I say that I'm dating my 23 year old teacher to my mom? "Since I'm technically 18, and he's 23, is it illegal?" "Not really.. Who is he?" I then took in a deep breath and told her that I'm dating Levi. "Your English teacher?" I looked away. "Yeah.." "I don't think I've met him in this sort of way. Invite him to dinner tonight. My treat." Mom said smiling at me. "Y-You're not mad at the fact that I've been leaving the house to go sleep with my teacher?" "Not at all.. In fact, I've slept with a teacher before. But my reason was to get a good grade... Your reason is because you love him." Mom said smiling even bigger at me. "I'll have to call him later. He's probably getting ready for school right now." I said feeling my knee start to swell. "I should let you get ready for court." "Okay.. Thank you mom." I said as she walked out of my room.

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