Chapter 1

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[Mabel POV]

I twirled my pencil into my hair as I listened to my teacher drone on about medieval catapults. History was usually my favorite class, but I was basically the Medieval Queen, and already knew everything in this unit. It made me feel like a huge nerd. And that title went to Dipper Pines himself.

Finally, the bell rang. I heaved my backpack onto my shoulder and rushed out the door. School was over. I slowed down once I got outside, because I really hated it when teachers told you to slow down. I hugged the extra books that wouldn't fit in my backpack closer to me and stared at the ground. I had no friends here. In Gravity Falls, everyone thought I was brave, outgoing, and super-social, but I really wasn't.

"OMG, I can't wait for the dance! I bet Bradley'll ask me out. He better!" What dance? I looked up, only to find the cheerleader group talking to each other. I had memorized every single group in this school. I knew how they acted, where they would be, all that stuff. I turned around. The Pretty girls would be coming out any minute now. They could be total jerks sometimes, but they were still nice to nobodies.

I was right. I walked up to them. I had to look really dumb if they were going to talk to me.

"Um, guys?"

One girl, the tallest, swiveled around on her heels to face me. First, she looked annoyed, then, realizing it was me, grinned.

"Oh, hey, Mabel! What's up?"

"Um, nothing much. Hey, I heard about some dance.."

"Oh yeah! The sweetheart dance is in a few days. Rhyan's dad is BFF's with the principal, so she,like, knows everything."

"Great. So, um. Bye!"

I ran off, knowing that if I didn't get to the bus soon, I'd be sleeping here.

Apparently, I was so strange, I got to have my own reserved seat in the front. On the other side, the nerdy cello-playing girl who everyone also hated. I sighed and stared out the window. I ignored it as someone ruffled my hair, knowing it was none other than Dipper.

In no time, the bus ride ended and I was at the bus stop, which was an elementary school. Usually Dipper and I walked home together. I squinted into the distance and saw Dipper walking with someone else, probably one of his nerd friends.

"Hey!" I yelled.

Dipper's friend looked behind, then whispered something to my brother. Then, they simply ran off.

"You are such a jerk!" But they were already out of sight. Which meant I had to walk home alone. I was alone all day at school, its would be nice to talk to someone who wasn't a teacher once in a while.

I reached home before Dipper, and sulkily started doing my homework. Same old, same old. In half an hour, Dipper was home. He had a huge grin on his face, what I knew to be his gaming face. As in video gaming.

"What was it today?"

"Halo 4! I totally beat Will! I am da boss!"

"Bro, I know you only played with him to avoid being beaten by me."

"Whaat? No.. I just wanted to play with someone new. Tomorrow we're trying out the new Disney Infinity game Marco got!"

I tried not to pay attention. I loved playing video games, especially with my brother.

"Hey, I'm sorry about the ditching. For the tenth time..."

I sighed. " Yeah, it's fine. I'm used to it."

"No, I'm not letting you say that. You come with us tomorrow. And, I'll even do your homework today."

"Really? Wow, thanks bro-bro."

Dipper flipped open the giant binder on the desk we shared and aggressively began scribbling with a pencil. I flopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Um, Dipper?"

"Yeah?" He asked without looking up.

"Do you know about the dance?"

"Oh yeah. The gang and I are probably just going to pair up together, not as actual dates, just to get in."

"What's the big deal about it?"

"I dunno. The popular guys think it's the only thing in life that matters, and treat it like their marriage or something. Us, we're in for the free food." Dipper slowly grimaced as if realizing why I even asked him in the first place. "If you don't have a date, I could skip it."

"No, don't do that.When you're done, let's just watch football." Football always made me feel better.

"What teams?"

"49ers and Saints."

"Oh, no way! Saints will win, no doubt about it!"

"Stop filling your world with lies, young one. 49ers for the win!"


Ah, my little shooting star seems to be in a predicament. I happen to be in one as well. I needed to access the minds of the wretched Pines, and I had the perfect plan to get what I wanted.

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