|•Chapter 5•|

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|•Chapter 5•|
\/\/Mackenzie's pov\/\/
Today is Friday and i woke up to my alarm so i quickly switched it off and grabbed my stuff for my shower. i walked down the hall to the bathroom and realised maddie was in there so i sat outside and waited. after like half an hour maddie finally finished and walked out i quickly ran in and had a very quick shower got changed and ran out as i was late for school. i ran into my room dumped my pyjamas and quickly applied mascara, eos, eyeliner and eyeshadow. Then I tied my hair up into a secure high ponytail. after that i grabbed my phone from my nightstand and grabbed my blue sandals. i ran downstarirs grabbed a breakfst bar packed some food and ran out the door trying not to miss the bus.
I got to the bus stop just as the bus pulled up and hopped on. i scanned the seats for Asia but she wasnt there. i quickly grabbed our regular seat and set my bag down on the seat next to me. i pulled out my phone and texted Asia.

:)= mackenzie


:) Asia were r u??????!!!!!!!!!!!

<3im so sorry kenz im sick ill be there tomoz. dont let the bullies get to u xx

great! i thought no Asia now i have to face the bullies alone
The bus halted to a stop and my phone fell off my lap and onto the floor.
"Shit!" I mumbled as I picked up my phone gathered my stuff and jumped off the bus.
I walked into "the death trap" and straight to my locker. I wasn't as late as I though as not many people were here. I put in my locker combination and put my books in, I decided to check my phone and how much damage was done.
I pulled it out and gasped, there was a massive crack right through it! "Ugh" I groaned mums gonna kill me! I put my phone back in my bag and grabbed my books for my first class, history. I hate history I thought as in walked to history.
I was daydreaming about how boring history was still walking to it when suddenly someone tripped my and I went flying towards the ground hand first. "arghhhhh" I screamed as I hit the floor with a thud.
"owwwwwww" I moaned as I got up to look who tripped me. I should've known who tripped me, I was Kendall and Nia, no surprises there.
I stuck the finger up at them and them tried to get up, I couldn't my wrist wouldn't hold me.
"Here let me help you" I heard someone say I looked up and it was Jake, yay finally something good in my day.
"thanks" i muttered as he lifted me off the floor.
"Are you okay kenz that was a really hard fall?" he asked worriedly.
"I'm not sure" I replied "my right arm is a little sore."
" We better get that checked out come in let's go to the nurse."
"Okay, thanks for everything Jake."
"No problem anything for my little kenzie boo!" I blushed as soon as he said that, wait why am I blushing, I thought I didn't like him!
He walked me to the nurses office and stayed with me while they checked my arm out.
After a lot of painful movements the nurse came to a decision.
"We'll mackenzie it looks like you've just bruised it badly.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
"But you will have to stay off dance for tonight, just incase"
"Okay thanks for everything" I said as I got up to walk away but the nurse stopped me.
"Mackenzie you will have to wear this" she said as she handed me a pressure bandage.
"Okay thanks a million." I said as a walked out with Jake.
"Thanks Jake, it means a lot!" I told Jake while we walked to our lockers.
"No problem Kenzie anything for you!" He said as he walked to his first class.
"Bye Jake!" I said as I opened my locker.
I grabbed my stuff for Science
Then walked in. I went and sat down at the front so I could get good grades. I waited for class to begin and it went on forever!

I walked out of Science to my locker and got my stuff out for Languages. Luckily I had this class with Jake so we walked together. We walked into class and sat in the middle waiting for our French teacher. the class went by quickly as we only did revision. After Language I had music so I dumped my language stuff into my locker and walked to my class. Music was on the second floor so I had to take the stairs. I walked into my class and greeted my niacin teacher Mrs. Richards and took a seat on the floor. For music I was in the Choir and the lead singer. 5 minutes later everyone started arriving and took our places in a circle to warm up our voices. We warmed up our voices then started out song.We were learning the song "Shake it Off" by Taylor Swift.

🎶 I stay out too late
Got nothing in my brain
That's what people say, mmm-mmm
That's what people say, mmm-mmm

I go on too many dates [chuckle]
But I can't make them stay
At least that's what people say, mmm-mmm
That's what people say, mmm-mmm

But I keep cruising
Can't stop, won't stop moving
It's like I got this music
In my mind
Saying, "It's gonna be alright."

'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off🎶
I sing the first two verses solo then everyone joins in. After practising the song at least 6 times class was over and it was finally lunch.We hurried out of class and to our lockers, got our lunch and went to the cafertiera. Asia wasn't here so I had no one to eat with. I looked around the cafertiera like a lost puppy but then spotted Jakes soft brown hair I walked over and plonked myself down at his table.
"Hi Jake is it okay if I sit here today?" I asked batting my lengthen eyelashes.
"Yeah sure!" Jake replied smirking. We ate and talked for a while then went back to our lockers for our next classes.


Finally the bell ring signalling the end of a hard day. I packed up my stuff and said bye to my Maths teacher then went to my locker, I hurriedly put away my stuff and grabbing my stuff I would need for homework. I shut my locker and walked to the exit of the school waiting for Maddie. I say there for only 5 mins until my sister pulled up.
"Quick hop in Mackenzie, otherwise we will be late!" Maddie screamed at me.
"Jeez call your tits!" I responded. Maddie just signed and kept driving. God someone's on their period I thought. we pulled up to the ALDC with our bags in our hand and went to change. we headed towards the bathroom and locked the door behind us. I quickly took my clothes off and changes into my dance wear which was a pink crop top and sky blue shorts. I stuffed my clothes into my bag ad walked out leaving my hair how it was. I walked out the bathroom and into the den and began stretching with the other girls. Miss Abby called us in to start with the group. We finished the group dance then worked on solos. My solo was last so I just played on my phone and and watched from the moms room. Finally at 9 o'clock it was my solo. We cleaned it up and fixed my problems then we went home. I wasn't very hungry so I went straight to my room to pack for the completion tomorrow. I finished at 9:45 then set my alarm for 5am and drifted off into a dreamless slumber.

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