[ I CAN'T - 2 ]

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Night became restless I couldn't sleep for a minute , my eyes are lazy but the moment Anika coming into my view in her messed up state haunted me. That was going on a loop in my mind. Some where or the other I am responsible for her condition, I just wanted her to be happy but seems like my action as caused her a lot. Well nevertheless I am going to rectify what ever caused her and make sure she would become the same chubby, bubbly Anika, my Ani!

Morning came soon then I even thought, but the rage, guilt and restlessness was the same. Now what ever happens she will not suffer in her life, I will give her the happiness she deserves and which I snatched away. I woke up with the determination and to my surprise I was giving my enthusiasm in all the work I did until Om, Ru came in

'Shivaay ? what have you thought? You did not even tell us anything last night but just disappeared!' Om asked coming in front of me. 'Om wait and watch you will get to know' I told setting my hair , taking my wallet and putting my watch making way out. 'But Bhaiyaa where are you going now?' Rudra asked curiously from behind.

'To the hospital Of course guys!' I told turning back and they seem to diagree.' No Shivaay you won't go there ' Om started, cutting him off I spoke 'No Om not this time. I am going to Anika and its final!' I told turning towards the door walking. 'When did we stop you from going to Anika?' Om asked and I freeze at my place. Turning back I narrowed my eyes confusingly. 'offo Bhaiya O just told that you won't go there alone. We will come with you!' Rudra told coming in between.

'Om, Ru I don't think this would be a great idea. It would be better if you stay here' I told denying them. 'Shivaay we did not ask your permission, we are just informing you. Rudy let's go!' Om told sternly and dragged Rudra along with him towards the exit of the mansion.

We drove in silence non of them spoke, all are anticipated to meet Anika and look at my stunt. Both knew I can do anything for Anika, if I can love her to an extent that I can let her go then I go to any extent for doing what I want for my love.

'Shivaay are you sure in what ever you are doing? That doctor will not even allow us inside the hospital!' Om told as we three made way towards the entrance. 'Relax Om, what will he do if the Managing Director and Founder of the hospital tell' I told smirking at him. Both got shocked looking at my smirk, they knew when I ever I give that smirk something big is gonna happen.

'How dare you come in? Who gave you the permission?' Dr. Rana screamed seeing me inside Anika's ward and admiring her. 'Dr.Rana how can you shout on him?' Another came in and shouted at him. 'But sir, he had come inside a patient's ward with out prior permission ' he stated looking at the elderly man.

'He can do what ever he wants Mr.Rana ,you are no one to stop him' the man again told. 'Sir he' before Dr.Rana started talking. 'He is the current OWNER , MD & CEO of the hospital Dr.Rana. You need to abide him.' He completed looking at Sidharth and he looked shocked but then I smirked. Om Ru where in their own shock world.

'He has taken over night this chain of hospitals so you are under him' again the man explained. 'Well , Dr. Malhotra thanks for the introduction. I think you may leave' I came in between their conversation. 'My pleasure sir' Mr. Malhotra left the place.

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