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"Ban, please don't tell me we're really going there." The red head stated, trying not to think of all the possibilities that could happen as soon as she steps foot in the area.

The brunette could only give her a look. "Ran, we don't have a choice. Kousuke gave us a name, but we have no idea who they could be. Akihabara is a huge place, and no one knows it better than Otacross and the OtaRangers."

"But does it have to be them?"

As Ban let out another sigh, Hiro could only chuckle. Her stubborness is one of the things he liked about her after all. He gave a smile as he called out to her. "Ran, I'm sure Otacross wouldn't try to make another figure out of you after how you reacted last time."

"But still..."

"What did she do last time?" Kazuya asked, looking up from his seat.

"She kicked it and it broke. She would've kicked Otacross too, if he hadn't run away." Ami chuckled.

"We're almost there anyway, so there's no use in complaining now, Ran." The brunette deadpaned once again. She groaned in reply.

Soon, the train stopped and they hoped off, hurrying to a familiar tower. Several times, Hiro stopped to stare at certain stores, only to be dragged away by Ran. Other times, it was the red head that stopped, hesitantly staring up at the tower before one of the others pulled her along.

Upon entering, they were met immediately by a familiar man. "Ah, Ban!"

"Yujin-san!" They met halfway and shared a firm handshake.

"It's great to see you in Akihabara again!" Before he could respond, the man turned to the one with blue hair. "Hiro! Are you here for another battle?"

"Not this time, Yujin-san... Sorry." He ignored the glances his friends gave him. Just how many times had he come here?

"That's a shame. But since you're all here, I assume you came to see Master Otacross."

"Actually, we came to ask for help from the OtaRangers as well..." Kazu stated, his voice only breaking off at the end. He wasn't all that worried about Otacross, but it only just crossed his mind that there's a chance the yellow member of the group might be around.

Ami seemed to realize this too, and it took everything she had not to join Ran in her despair. Besides, they're all adults now. They have to take these things more seriously. "Any help would be greatly appreciated." Though she realized that her voice still shook.

"Oh! Well, it just so happens that I'm actually pretty busy today. Sorry about that." But before the group could respond, he added, "But Black could help you! He's with Master Otacross as we speak! Just go to his room and you'll find them."

"Thank you, Yujin-san!" Ban waved him off before leading the way up.

Right at the top of the tower, the doors opened to reveal the room in no better condition than it was in the previous years. In fact, it might've gotten worse, but they weren't here to judge. As long as they could help, then there isn't really anything to complain about.

"Otacross!" They called out, looking around.

Shuffling could be heard along with a yelp, and a tower of boxes toppled over. Beyond the cloud of dust, coughing came along with two figures. One they were able to distinguish immediately as Otacross, while the other was much taller.

It was a man with short black hair and eyes. He seemed to be their age, if not somewhat older. The man blinked when he finally managed to see through the dust. "You're all..." His eyes widened two fold. "Yamano Ban?! Here already?! I didn't even have time to change-"

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