A Troop of Monkeys

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Y/N Crowrage stood inside the cramped shitty bathroom of the RV, fastening the translator charm around her neck. The pendant felt warm to the touch, no doubt because o the magic imbued in it. The necklace allowed her voice to fluently speak the mother tongue of whoever heard her. It was very handy.

Though as an educated Crowrage, she had accumulated quite the number of languages under her belt. It was an expected non-negotiable skill of the modern aristocrat. If her knowledge didn't cover all the bases already, then came the translation charm.

"Are you done?" A fist banged on the bathroom door, then followed by a foot kicking the bottom of the flimsy door twice. "I need to take a piss."

Y/N rolled her eyes, tucked her charm underneath the collar of her shirt and stepped out. Ben greeted her on the other side, her usual morning 'delightful' attitude fixed on her face. Her arms were tucked against her chest, her body draped in a fluffy bathrobe (duck patterned!). While the rest of her sisters were slowly waking up, (Austin being the only exception– having drawn the short straw the previous night and been forced to trek back to the city to grab breakfast for them all) Y/N was dressing for her new job.

She eyed her attire in the mirror. It wasn't as scandalous as her attire from last time, and honestly, that was good enough for her to deem 'professional'.

The problem about starting a new job without knowing any of the details was that Y/N had no idea when to start work, where to show up and so forth. So she had to resort to asking Benjamin to work her mojo and ask someone in Bighit via dream-mail.

"Ben!" Y/N called out from the outside grill. She was currently pouring pancake batter onto the DIY makeshift tin foil pan, tapping the spatula against her hip as the batter cooked.

"What do you want, you CRETIN!" The second oldest sister, Benjamin, shouted back, her voice echoing in such a manner that must've only come from her being in the bathroom.

"Ignore her, she's pissy about me eating her cinnamon bun!" Valen's voice was fainter, coming from her bed at the back of the vehicle.

"Shut the FUCK up, Valen and tell me what you want, Y/N!" Ben retorted, clearly just as pissy as her younger sister stated.

"You guys know you don't have to yell right, we're all close by," the oldest sister was in the process of pumping air into the tires when she finally decided to poke her head out and join in the very chaotic conversation.

How a two sister affair turned into a four was a question for all of them.

"Did ANYONE ask, Austin?" Benjamin snapped.

"Jesus christ, alright. Are you PMS-ing, you cranky bitch?" Austin raised her brows in surprise, despite the fact that none of the sisters could see her.

"Everyone SHUT UP. Y/N, tell me what you want." Benjamin sighed, finishing up her lip gloss.

"I need you to dream-mail someone in Bighit and find out what time I should show up tomorrow."

At the youngest sisters request, Benjamin straightened abruptly, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the thought of having to contact (even through dreams) any of the greasy humans. "Ew. Why?"

"What do you mean why? I don't want to be late for work? Is that a good enough why?" Y/N scoffed, as if the answer was obvious.

"Can't you just seer-shit it?" Benjamin grumbled grumpily.

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