Part 1

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              WELL COME TO
               SMUT WORLD.

   I got up from my bed when I heard my alarm ringing. I went in my bathroom and took a quick shower because I don't wanna be late for work.

Specifically today because I have to give a tour for our new CEO who was out of this country but the weird thing is why does it have to be me?

I went to my closet and choose a tight black dress that ends on my mid thigh that have a V shape from the front which holds my breast very well, it doesn't show too much and also applied some makeup but not too much.

After a hour ride in my car I arrived at the company then I parked my car at my own free space and went inside.

"Good morning" I said to my friend Mina who also works with me. "Good morning to you too
Yona, Are you nervous about today?" She asked. "A little but I'll be fine." "Okay then good luck!" She said and I made my way to my office and sat on my chair.

Some minutes had past but still the CEO haven't arrived. I need to drink a coffee I didn't have breakfast because I thought I would be late.

I made my way to the company cafeteria, to my surprise no one was there so I went in and started making my self a coffee.

While I was making my coffee someone came inside. I turned my face and saw a guy "May I help you?" I asked the guy who looked lost but at the same time handsome. He was wearing a full black suit with no tie two buttons loosened up. His eye, nose, oh my God his lips I wish I could kiss it.

Oh my God his jaw line, his chest, I wish I could see how many abs he have, maybe 8. Then I went back to that kissable lips of his. I woke up from my day dream 'that I didn't know I was in' when he cleared his throat.

"Oh, I'm sorry I just went somewhere else" I said already regretting what I said. "No, it's okay I know where you went" He said smirking. "Excuse me?" I asked.

"But since you're back I was gonna get my self a coffee" he said making his way towards me and stand in front of me. Okay that's too close. "Hmm, okay" I said and turned my face back to my coffee ignoring him.

I gasped when I felt his breath tickling my neck from behind. "Your coffee smells nice, would you mind making one for me?" he asked. I thought for a second and "Ahh, o-okay which one would you like?" I asked and turned my face to him which his face was 0.0001m inch's away from mine.

"Are you asking me to choose?" He said, his hot minty fresh breath hitting my lips. I gulped down my saliva staring at his lips again like before. I was about to reply but stopped when a soft plump lips connected to mine. He kissed me with that killer lips of his. What is he thinking?

I pulled back shocked staring at that sparkling eyes of his and covered my mouth with my hand. "W-what.... are you doing?" I said suttering. "Giving you what you wanted to do in that dirty head of yours" I gasped at his words thinking how he guessed correctly.

"I wasn't thinking anything." I said my cheeks now full red from embarrassment. He started coming closer which I'm now stuck between him and the table behind me.

And he put both his hands at either side of the table trapping me "Do you want me to do other things to you like what that horny mind of you is thinking?" He said whispering to my ears.

I gulped imaging what he could do to me with that veiny hands but I shake that dirty thoughts of me and answered quickly "I...I wasn't thinking anything dirty" I shuttered.

"You sure about that..." He moved one of his hand to my waist and then down and down until he reached my ass and grabbed it, a soft moan escaped my lips from the sudden attack.

"But your moans are telling me to continue" he said with that seductive voice of his and went down to my neck to start sucking on my neck then to my jaw line but stopped when he was about to kiss my lips and stared at my eyes as if asking for permission.

'What should I do? Should I just get fucked by a stranger who I met in my work place? He is Handsome as hell who would resist a sexy man like him? OH FUCK IT'
           ~To be continued~

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