Part 2: Smut😏😏😏

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Without thinking twice I smashed my lips on his. He was surprised at first but then wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me to his attractive body deepening the kiss. He licked my lower lip for entrance but I shut my mouth tightly to see what he can do. He groaned with frustration that I gave him.

He loosened one of his hand from my waist and roughly grabbed my breast to earn a loud muffle moan from me which gave him a full entrances to my mouth.

He slide his tongue in my mouth and explore every inch of it until we were out of breath. He pulled back panting heavily. "That was amazing!" He said out of breath "....Yeah~..." I said panting too. "Then let's start the real fun" he said smirking.

And with a blink of an eye I was pined to the wall, my legs wrapped on his slim waist and my hand on his neck kissing me but this time roughly. I'm really lost right now this pleasure his giving me while his hands are roaming all over my body. I don't remember the last time I was enjoying this with my ex. My ex has never made me this wet.

I got out of my thoughts when I felt his hand going to my now dripping wet clothed pussy. "Ahh~~" I moaned with satisfaction loving what his doing to me without a warning he entered one finger in me. "Ahhhhh~...." I moaned louder, I don't think I could take it anymore.

"You like what my finger is doing to you, huh?" He asked moving his finger faster "Answer me.." he said growling, he must be angry that I'm not replying to him. He entered another finger which made me arch my back "Y-yes yes...ahh" I answered between my moans.

"Answer me faster when I ask you a question" he growled in my ear adding another finger "3~ Ahhh... that's t-too much.." I said digging my nails into his black suite.

"Your calling this too much then how will you take all of me then? it's ten times bigger than my fingers." I gasped at this guys ridiculous confident comment about himself.

I was about to ride out the most pleasure able orgasm but he pulled his fingers out and moved aside the things that was on the table and sat me down on it.

He started kissing and sucking on my neck, which obviously is gone live a mark and his hand went to my back unzipping my dress while me on the other side became a moaning mess from the pleasure his giving me.

He rolled my dress down to the ground "red?" he asked staring at my bra "I like it but it will be better with out it" he smirked unhooking my bra. He then started kissing down to my chest.

A loud moan left my lips when he suddenly sucked on my sensitive nipple. This so fucking awesome. After giving them both my nipples the best pleasure he went down kissing on my stomach living a hickey.

One of his hand hold the hem of my red underwear then rolled it down and stopped to take off his suit jacket along with his shirt. I finally got to see his 8 FULL ABS. I didn't know that I was staring at his abs for too long "Don't worry you'll touch it" he said smirking.

Without wasting no time he took off his pants along with his boxer. Oh my god he looks like a Greek God, is he a statue? His thighs, his legs.....OH MY GOD I'm blessed to see this Greek God.

"Will that thing fit in me?" I asked looking at the length of his member "I wasn't joking when I said it was ten times bigger, but don't worry we'll make it fit." He said coming towards me and speared my legs positing his member at my entrances "Don't worry I won't go rough" he said.

Without any warning he entered me "Ahhhhhhhhhhh~" but he didn't even let me adjust to his size he started going faster. "You Ahhh~...said you wouldn't go rough..ahh~" "sorry but your tight pussy is driving me nuts..oh~ fuck" he said pounding into me harder and deeper.

"ahh~ p-please slow down" I couldn't stop moaned from the pleasure and pain his giving me at the same time "oh fuck~~" he groaned with satisfaction. I couldn't hold it anymore "I gonna cum~"

"Me too~" he said. It didn't take us much time he cum on my stomach and I cum all over the table. "Ahh~ that was fucking amazing." He said panting "Humm~" is the only thing that could come out of my mouth after having the best orgasm I have never had in my life.

"I guess we should go our ways" he said wearing his suit back on "Yes...your right" I said getting off the table but I lost balance. before I could touch the ground the shirtless guy caught me. My hands landed on his bare muscular chest.

"I think I went a little bit rough" he whispered in my ears. "A little?" I asked sarcastically. "Oh really...then sorry about that" he smirked obviously loving that he went too rough. But I didn't waste my time and wore my dress properly and him doing the same.

He was about to go out but I called for him, "You didn't tell me your name" I said. "I don't think we'll meet again so you don't need it...oh and I had a good time," and with that he went out.

This is so bad if any one find out that I fucked with someone I don't know in the company cafeteria I would be fired without any warnings. Someone burst into the room which is Mina the only one who doesn't know how to knock in this company.

"Yuna where have you been... oh my God What is this smell? it smell like sweat." She said holding her nose. "It's nothing now can you tell me why you want me?" I said quickly to not let her guess what happened in here.

"The CEO has arrived you have to come right now." "Oh shit I forgot" I said and went out of the room. I opened the door to the meeting room where I was told to meet the CEO and my co-workers.

"Sorry I'm late" I said bowing to them "it's okay hum...Kim Yuna this is the CEO Jeon JungKook" said one of my co-workers. I turned my face to the CEO but stopped when I see the same guy who I fucked in the company cafeteria just minutes ago. Holy fucking shit HE'S MY BOSS!!!

~The End~

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