chapter 9

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Eric had me call the lawyer and tell him I was gonna need a little bit of more time. He said it was fine to do what I had to and then come see him. Eric took me home told me to shower and shange something about making me feel better and it did in a way, we were now sitting in the lawyer office waiting area to be called in by Mr.Mores. when he finally called we follow silently my mind was going 60mph in a 20mph zone, it was asking to be pulled over, to be stopped but there was no way I was gonna catch up, there was no way for me to make myself believe it was fine.

"Well Ms.Allen I see you brought a friend, are you ok with us discussing the case with someone else in the room?" I looked up to see I was already sitting, I guess I was thinking to hard I peaked at Eric and he looked calm. Then back at the lawyer who was going through some paper waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, that's fine. His here for emotional support, just incase. His name is Eric, what ever you need to say you can say with him here. His not going anywhere." I dont know if I was convincing him or my self but I noticed how Eric's chest puffed out with pride.

"Alright, well I received a letter from the judge that is now handling your case informing me of the change that had happened, apparently the first judge had no grounds to prolong the case in the first place so its gonna be officialy close on Monday wich means no more home visits and although I do advise you keep seeing your psychology it is no longer mandatory." My hand went over to Eric's holding on cause I know there was a but I knew there had to be something wrong. Things dont ever go this good for me and even if i wanted to take a minute and cry even if i wanted to jump up and down because me and my kids were now safe and could continue our lives, there was something in the back of my head taunting me, teasing me, telling me that I was a fool to think this was it.

"But" and there it was, my grip on Eric got stronger my hands began to shake, my stomach turn and I could feel the vile start to form at the deepest part of my throat and start making it's way up but I swallowed and took a deep breath preparing my self for the worst. "Some one else is asking for a custody hearing a women named Ruth Kelly, said shes the grandmother of the kids and dosen't want them to grow up with you."

Grandmother? I never meet William's parents but yeah his last name was Kelly and I assumed he came from a wealthy family after seeing everything that I got after his death and although I didnt want any of it Mr.More convinced me to keep it for the kids said that me and the kids deserved to live a worry free life after what I had to go through.

"I'm gonna make a suggestion. As a friend not as your lawyer." I looked up to him expecting him to say I should run away but what he said shook me and that's when I knew I made the right choice at hiring him. "Hire a private investigator, see what you can find on her because I'm gonna be honest on paper, right now shes the best option for the kids at least until your psychology report comes back saying other wise and I'm sure 3 months of psychology isn't going to fix  the past couple of years. So dig into her past, find a good enough reason to make the judge rule against her petition. You have 3 weeks to find something. Since it's a custody hearing they try and see it as soon as possible not wanting the kids to stay long in what might possibly be a unhealthy environment for them. When and if you find something have it delivered to the judge not me. The judge I will send you his name and information to your email address. Do not under any circumstances send it to me because I'm gonna be obligated to share it with her lawyer who can move to rule it out claiming it was in her past and shes a better person and it might just work. But once the judge sees the papers there is no denying that it will affect his final verdict on the case."

"Okay, we'll do that, I'm gonna do everything to make sure the kids are safe Mazikeen." Eric says and although I'm looking his way I'm not really seeing him. I shot down completely my brain going to the fact that my babies might be taken away from me again. I dont want that. The meeting ended shortly after and I found my self looking out the window as we made our way to our next destination. Eric's hand landed on my thigh I'm guessing to give me some sort of emotional support.

"I cant go through this again." I whisper. "I cant lose them again Eric, I wont make it if I do. No one really knows what I went through, what we went through, I cant live not knowing they are okay. And if she takes them I wont know, I wont be able to see them or hear them. I wont be able to live like that Eric. Please, please dont let them take our babies Eric." I whispered to him still looking out the window tears runing down my face.

"Please dont let them take our babies." I said a little louder. And noticed we were pulling up on the compound he turned off the engine and turned my face toward him.

"I will never let her take them away from us. Okay baby? Please believe that I will do everything in my power to help keep the kids here with us where they belong." He said with soft eyes but a firm voice. He help me out of the car and in to the house we found the kids in the livingroom with a few of the clubs members. I went straight to them and lifted them up and sat on the couch hugging and kissing them making sure I enjoyed as much time as I could with them just incase. Eric came next to me and moved to be behind me and hugged me and the kids, I layed my head back on his shoulder and he kissed my forgead.

"What's going on?" Scar asked from the love seat where he was sitting with Linda who looked worried.

"Some women named Ruth Kelly is petitioning for a custody hearing, wants to take Halo and Angel. Lawyer says shes William's mother. William is Keen's exhusband who is now dead." Scar sat up and removed his hand from around Linda who afterwards came to sit beside me and rubbed my leg affectionately.

"Alright well what do you need me to do?"

"I need you to call church, and we are gonna need to bring Keen in with us, shes gonna have to tell us everything that happend. Help us try and understand why this women wants my kids." He said while slightly rocking me back and foward. Scar got up and said something about a meeting in 30 minutes. Told Linda to watch the kids for us once the meeting started and walked out of the room with everyone behind.

"Listen to me baby" Eric said with a soft voice not trying to wake the kids from there nap. "I know its gonna be hard but I'm gonna need you to talk about that time ok you're gonna have to tell us everything, there might be something you missed the first time that might helps us." I nodded my head not ready to talk and made myself comfortable and closed my eyes hoping that when I opend them again this would all be a nightmares.

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