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The night was weird, the boys didn't cuddle up next to each other, and to say the least it was killing them, like the date had done something, they were too scared to touch each other, it's like everything had reset, Eddie took his chance, he turned to the side a laid his head on Richie's Chest acting if though he was asleep, Richie teased up but soon wrap his arm over eddies head creating a pillow type situation, than and only than did the boys fall sleep peacefully, almost like it was supposed to be like that, they knew they had a busy day ahead of them, first they would be going to get breakfast at a coffee shop called 'maison kayser', which was a block away from where they would be spending their day, Rockefeller center, first they would be going to top of the rock, spend about 2 hours there before going to ice skating, Stan had a surprise, and let me tell you it will be amazing.

"Why is food in New York so good?" Eddie moans, "No idea but damn.." Mike responds, Eddie had gotten a chocolate croissant, it was heavenly, Richie went for a plan coffee, even that had him on the verge, the food was amazing, and the cold mixed with it made for the most perfect thing ever, Eddie and Richie sat next to each other, Eddie was in tangled in Richies arms, the small coffee shop had couches and was almost set up like the friends coffee shop, the four gay boys were sitting on the couch, and the others sitting on the other couch, it was a beautiful site, it was the lonely Richies dream, Eddie was wearing black sweatpants and a fluffy jacket, as well as a beanie, Richie thought the boy looked amazing, "Richie you got a staring problem?" Eddie nudges the boy, "Huh?" Richies snapped out of his gaze, "Oh sorry I zoned out..." the boy continues, Eddie smiles and grabs the tall boys hand, rubbing his thumb softly on the boys hand, "Its alright Richie." The boy says with is angelic voice, Richie thankfully smiles, at that moment a group of loud teenagers around the groups age walk in the door, one boy catches Richies eye, he looks familiar, there was 3 boys and 2 girls, that's when it hit Richie, "Stan we have to leave." He tells the boy, "We have to leave in 30 minutes though." Stan ignores the boys urgency, "Stan right now." Stan now looks at the boy seeing the look in his eye and agrees, they grab all their stuff, Eddie and Richie walking ahead of them, Eddie can feel the panic radiating off Richie, Richie could feel the anxiety bubbling up inside him, it was the boy, the boy that got Richie outed, Richies hand released from eddies, setting his right hand on his left, more specifically his knuckles, he beings lightly scratching, once they reach the car he stops and climbs in the back, "Richie?" Eddies small voice says, the tall boy hums in response, "Breath, it'll be alright." He says, grabbing his left hand and kissing his red knuckles, Richie takes a deep breath as they start to drive off, it's like all of Richies worries were lifted, he liked it.

"Holy shit." Bev breaths out, they were currently at top of the rock, 360 views of the city, it's was beautiful, breath taking, they were at the very top, it was very cold so Eddie had nuzzled into Richies side, stealing the warmth from him, the day was clear, scattered clouds painted the sky's, it was perfect, cold yes, but it was beautiful, they spent about an hour up there before going back down, "It's gonna be $37 per person." Stan informs them as they walk out the front door, "$222 in total." Stan says referring to the ice skating rink, $25 for admission and $12 for skates, "That's too much money why don't we just go find a frozen pond?" Richie sighs, "No! We have to do it here, we have more plans later." The Jewish boy snaps, he was obviously stressed, Bill notices and draps a arm over the boy and whispers calming words into his ear as they walk around the block into the area with people crowding, they all follow Stan and get their skates, and than they pay for admission, and soon enough their skating, the legged Richie is having trouble, so Eddie holds his hand and they walk around the rim, memory's of the boys skating on the quarry flood their minds, that's the day their lives changed, they weren't alone anymore, they had each other no matter what, I mean of course they had their friends, but them together was different.

After countless hours of skating someone on the intercom said everyone needed to get off the ice, the group was confused but Stan had a huge grin placed on his face, "Follow me." He says load enough for them to hear, they miniver their way around the crowd until their at the very front, where the giant Christmas tree stood, Eddie knew what was happening, after a few people talk into a microphone, a countdown starts, and soon the lights of the tree are turned on, blinding the crowd for a moment, Richie watched as eddies eyes danced with the lights, "Eddie?" The boy says only load enough for Eddie to hear, Eddie looks at the boy a nods, Richie doesn't respond only slams his lips into the smaller boys, sure Richie felt as though the entire world was watching them, but he didn't care, after about a minute of kissing Richie pulls back and looks at the person who was now singing, leaving Eddie struck, 'did that really just happen?' Eddie asks himself, sure they had kissed before but this was different, that was at 12 am in Richies bed this was in front of about 2,000 people, as if it was a way to give himself to Eddie, Eddie accepts his love.

sorry it took so long.

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