The mission

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The sun was shining down through the clear sky and the birds sung songs of delight that drifted through the air of central command. It was on days like this that the staff have trained not to bat an eye when an angry blonde kid in all black storms the office, frantically waving a folded piece of paper in his metal hand.

The boy paid no attention to anybody else in the room, heading straight for the boss's desk, who had yet to even look up from his work load until a hand slammed onto his desk aggresiveley, causing him to meet the boy's eyes.

"Ah, Fullmetal," He acknowledged "Is there a problem?"

Ed only growled in response. "Damn right there's a problem, and don't act like it's nothing to do with you."

Roy only smirked in response, placing his cheek in one hand and making vague gestures with the other. "well, Maybe I do. But maybe I don't, Depends on what you're talking about."

The blonde slammed the paper on the desk, this time with his metal fist, successfully managing to knock over a pile of paperwork that was resting on the ledge, but he didn't even acknowledge it.

"I got a letter in the post" (Hmmmm, what is this? T-Series saying cease and... Im sorry) "Its an application and permission form."

"Enlighten me."

Ed's eyebrow twitched in frustration. "It says." He grinded out through his clenched teeth. "That my placement at Central's school of understanding has been confirmed and that the term starts in a week."


"It also says that I need a signature from myself and another from one Roy mustang, who is apparently registered as my parental guardian."

"Well congratulations Edward, that's excellent news. I'm glad they excepted you." The raven smirked wider, leaning back in his chair, his hands behind his head.

"I DIDN'T APPLY FOR THE DAMN THING!" The crazed blonde turned sharply on the spot when his ears detected muffled laughter. "THIS ISN'T FUNNY YOU ASSHATS!"

At this moment, the door opened, revealing a lady with blonde hair pined in a bun by a clip and she was carrying another stack of paperwork. Her eyes were shadowed by her hair.

"Why is there a stack of paperwork scattered on the floor when I spent the last ten minutes sorting through it?" She asked, glaring through her bangs at the blonde and raven who seem to have stolen everybody's attentions.

Roy immediately paled, as did Ed, and they both opened their mouths to speak, but unfortunately for Ed, Mustang beat him to it. "It was Fullmetal!" He exclaimed, his voice a good few notched higher as he pointed towards the culprit.

Riza turned her gaze towards said boy. "Is this true Edward?" She asked dangerously. A dangerous promise in her hawk-like eyes.

Edward scratched the back of his head and started sweating profusely. "Well, Erm, you see- Err- Kinda-maybe?" At the look in the woman's eyes, Ed caved. "...Yes..."

A gun clocked and Everybody turned back to their work, other than Ed, who was given strict instructions. "Pick it up and put it all back in order."

The shorter blonde gulped and nodded. "Yes ma'm, Right away Ma'm" And got right to work.

Twenty minutes later had Roy. Hawkeye and Ed in mustangs private office.

"Sir, you should not have aggravated him like that."

"Aw, Come on hawkeye, it was just a little bit of fun."

The loading of a gun had the room silent once again. "Sorry Ma'm"

Roy leaned forward on his desk, clasping his hands together and leaning on his elbows on the wooden surface. "Fullmetal, Whilst I was aware of this, I not the instigator. The order came from Furher Bradley and as such I am not in any position to refuse. You know this just as well as I do."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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