Start of something new

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They say that midnight is not the right time to roam the Dead Man’s Forest, but I never had been the type to take advice. As a result of my disregard for rules and my need for a new adventure, I walked right up to the thick line of giant trees and entered the forest alone and unprotected on that very stormy night.

At first it was hard to get to sleep because something was nagging at my bain; somthing that i felt i had forgot, but after about half an hour exhaustion allowed my body to drift to sleep. Later I awoke with a start, thinking I heard an outcry. I quickly discarded this thought, thinking it was only the wind. Apparently i was wrong.

          By the time I got to the cubby that my friend Maggie and I had built when we were children, I was shivering with the cold and dripping wet. The cubby was in the forest and had most of the comforts of home, except for food which Maggie or I used to bring, but this time I forgot.


In the morning I woke feeling hungry and cold. I climbed out of the cubby to look for some food. Instead, I found huge paw prints on the forest floor.

 ‘I must be dreaming’ I whispered to myself, as to my utter horror, right in front of my eyes was a teenage boy with pixie ears and blood all over him.

‘Are you Klary Roberts?’ asked the boy casually.

‘Um yes’ I answered unsure who this person was.

‘Well you should be coming with me’ he said.

‘Why? And what is your name?’ I asked disturbed by his casual tone.

‘My name is Tree Dancer and it is not safe here, we will talk later, now get your stuff.’

‘But you are wounded.’ I protested staring at the blood covering his clothes.

         ‘Yes, I know and we will fix my wounds when we get to the clearing,’

‘Ok, but first you must tell me what happened to you and why I should come with you.’

‘Hurry up and get your stuff! I will tell you on the way,’ he yelled in annoyance, frustrated at my procrastination.  I scurried away to do as I was told, afraid of his fierce expression.

I went so quickly and so silently that when I came up behind Tree Dancer henearly jumped out of his skin. ‘Don’t do that I thought you where a fizamistic!’ He yelled.  

Puzzled at this unfamiliar word I asked ‘What the hell  is a fizamister?’

‘It is a fizamistic, and don’t worry about it, they are evil creatures that roam the forest looking for any unaware victims.’

‘I think I should worry about it if they are evil!’ I said stopping in my tracks.

‘Well they can be good if they want to be but that is rare. Anyway put a sock in it or we will never get going.’ He said rolling his eyes

‘Was that what you faced before meeting me?’ I asked looking back over my shoulder

‘I told you to put a sock it so please do so!’ Pure frustration taking hold on his casual expression.

‘Ok fine.’ I mumbled. After that my mind began wandering elsewhere.

“I think I might just have to go along with it.” I mumbled to myself, curiosity taking over my instincts to run whilst I could.

I could feel the cool morning breeze run through every strand of my hair as I walked through the beautiful and majestic forest in awe. Leaves swirled around my legs, a comforting but eerie crunch after every step.


After what felt like hour, we finally got to the clearing. 

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