Meeting new people

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As I panned the trees I noticed other animals. All around me there was leopards but they had red spots instead of black and their ears were shaped like that of bears. I then noticed that the trees were in the shape of human bodies and little houses sat in the nook of their branches. It was amazing! Everything had changed within the blink of an eye!!

 I felt a pat on my shoulder and turned around. Tree Dancer grabbed my arm and led me to one of the trees. There, standing at the top branch was the oldest and most fragile looking man I had ever seen. He quickly jumped down the tree and shook my hand.

‘Hello, my name is…. wait a second, what is my name?’ said the old man rather disorientated.

‘Father your name is Carboniera.’ Said Tree Dancer, rolling his eyes with a smirk on his face.

‘Hm’ ‘That reminds me. I’m starving! Could really go a carbonara right now’ I said rubbing my grumbling stomach.


‘OW!’ I screamed ‘Why did you hit me?!’

‘My father is not a food!’ corrected Tree Dancer. ‘His name is carboneeeeeeera! Not carbonaaara!’

‘Oh. Thank you my son’ ‘Can’t believe I forgot. I am getting old you know’. He muffled looking at me curiously.

‘So what’s your name my dear?’ he said looking at me with interest.

 ‘Oh, my name is Klary, nice to meet you sir’ I said, lightly rubbing the back of my head.

‘Yes, this is my human friend father’ Tree Dancer said with confidence.

‘Since when, was I your friend?’ I whispered viciously in his ear. 

‘For now you are, for if you are not, they will not let you near’ he whispered back with the same venom in his voice.  I was hurt by this for some unknown reason but I brushed it off before I started to go over it too much.

 I stood there in silence waiting for Carboniera to say something. Finally Tree Dancer took my hand and led me to another ancient tree.

‘This is where you will be staying for now’ Tree Dancer said referring to the tall tree. ‘It is late and you should be getting to bed soon’ he continued on.

‘Where do you sleep?’ I asked sensing that I would not see him in the morning.

‘I sleep in my father’s tree. If you need me I will be there tonight but I will be gone by sunrise.’ he said confirming my suspicion.

‘Where will you be going?’ I asked out of pure curiosity.

‘If you really want to know, I am going back to where you first met me. That is my station.’

At this, I thought I saw a flash of regret in his eyes, but before I could be sure his face returned to an image of stone.

‘What do you mean by station?’ I asked, once again unease flowing over me.

‘I mean that I am a soldier for my tribe, and that is my station to protect, so I should go back.’ His voice becoming smooth and business like.

‘Well, could you not stay for just a couple of days? You’re the only one I know around here, and I don’t really make friends easily.’ For some strange reason I wanted him to stay. I did not know why, or what it was about him that gave me such security, but all I knew was that I didn’t want to be left in this unfamiliar place alone.

‘I’m sorry, but I can’t stay here any longer and you need to be trained and not by me.’ He said turning to walk away.

‘Why do I need to be trained? And what for?’ I asked running after him curiously.

 Tree Dancer stopped in his tracks. As he turned back around to face me both hands moved up to rub his temples, frustration appearing on his face. ‘Well there are a few things that need explaining first before I tell you any more.’

Caboneira come up behind him. ‘Son there has been a change of plans, you won’t be leaving tonight. You will stay to train Klary. At the present time you are the only one that can. All the others are taking their places around the grounds.’ he said with clear authority.

Tree Dancer became irritated at this, and at his discretion began whining. ‘But father I have my own place on the grounds! ’.

I could tell he was avoiding the idea of teaching me because I was sure to ask more questions, and as I had recently found out, patience was one gift he did not possess.

‘No you will be staying here!’ Carboneira said a little firmer. Tree Dancer began to protest but was immediately cut off by his father. ‘No! That’s my final answer. Meet me at The Shelve later’. With the last of his words said he stormed off, a slight limp evident in his stride.

I turned to Tree Dancer. He was still standing open mouthed, his face burning in outrage. He spun around to meet my gaze and gave me the foulest of looks. He marched over to where I was standing, his face now inches from my own.

‘This is your entire fault, instead of doing my proper job I have to baby-sit you!!!’ a sneer erupting from his lips.

I stood shocked at his sudden outburst. ‘I am not a kid! So there’s no babysitting needed here. Go! I don’t care. Run back to daddy and beg him to let you go like the whiner baby you are.’ I said with as much venom as I could. He was taken back by the way I insulted him, so I turned on my heel and quickly climbed up the tree to leave him standing there. Climbing was natural for me.  I had always been the sporty one, the one climbing, jumping and running. When I got to the top I looked down to see if he was still there. He was, but now he was standing there astonished at how fast and nimbly I got up the tree. This amused me and as a final goodnight I gave him a smirk and climbed in to the little house. 


Hello!!! Rara here! hope you like the story! let me know what you think. first time writing so be nice!! vote comment please :D

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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