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Corey and Jake arrived back to the traphouse. the house already looked like it was ready for a party. There was a ball pit, a disco ball and a music system already placed out.

Jake tossed a bag of balloon to all the roommates. "LES BLOW SUM BALLOONS BRUVA!-" Everyone laughed as they opened the little bags.

After a long time, all the balloons were blown up. Jake laying on the couch, as Sam finished his last balloon. "This is  about  1000 balloons Jake." Sam says, chuckling. Jake sits up. "SO?!- balloons, are balloons Samuel. They're meant for this." Sam rolls his eyes. "Everyone will be here in an hour or so"

Jake nods.

"Oki bruva".

Party Dorks: Jara FanficWhere stories live. Discover now