Chapter 10: Another Surprise

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We woke bright and early from the sound of a sharp bell, ringing above our doorway, that left me discombobulated for a moment as to where I was. Marie, on the otherhand, was used to this alarm clock, and promptly got out of bed, stretched up to her tippie toes and then slowly walked to her dresser, where her uniform hung, nicely steamed, ready for the day. 

Looking around the room, I readjusted myself to my new bedroom as the bell kept ringing behind me.  

"The bell is enchanted to keep ringing if we don't get out of bed." Marie informed me, as she promptly went behind the screen to change. I quickly placed my feet on the ground and stood up, stopping the bell mid ring.

 I quickly placed my feet on the ground and stood up, stopping the bell mid ring

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"How kind of them," I commented as I walked to my own dresser. I heard Marie laugh before returning with her uniform half on. 

Thinking about how Samantha would feel at the idea of being woken up every morning by a sharp bell helped lighten my mood as I got ready for the day. I even allowed Oliver to sleep in, although I was sure that if I tried to move him in his grumpy state, I would get sharp claws running down my arm.

With Marie's help, I learned about the various uniforms we wore, and when to wear them. The silk ensemble, complete with hat and blocked heels, were worn in fall and late spring while our wool and cashmere ensemble was to be worn with correct gloves in winter and early spring. My hair was to always be tied up into a low ponytail and my tights were to always be worn, with no holes in sight.

"There's a nice spell to fix those holes, thank merlin! I would have wasted so much money on tights alone otherwise," Marie added as she guided me down the hallway with other girls in tow in their new silk uniforms with their block heels clattering on the marble floors. 

Breakfast was served the same as dinner, with different dishes placed for each girl. I had buttered wheat bread with pink sprinkles and a hard boiled egg on the side with a chunk of cheese and milk. Not the worst breakfast coming from a bread lover. 

It was during breakfast I was reintroduced to the two girls I met last night, Mila and Anna, all dolled up in their own silk robes and hats. When Anna saw me, she quickly grabbed the hat on my head, and turned it to an angle, before nodding in satisfaction.

"Trust me when I say that Benoît will go after us for anything today, including what angle you wear your hat." Mila scoffed as she joined us at the table, with a handful of grapes in one hand.

"You would know, Benoît only ever targets Anna about how she dresses." I laughed as Anna flicked her friend in the arm before settling down to eat. 

My first class was choir, where I was introduced to Professeur Leblanc, a stout little witch with heavy set eyebrows, that reminded me of very hairy caterpillars. Her mouth was smothered in red lipstick to compliment her grey-rose robes, that matched the color of her hair. I was given a choral binder made of grey leather, holding enchanted parchment with a list of songs written in black ink at the top. My name was inscribed at the bottom, so I would never forget it.

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