-Half Way Point-

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Thank you for all those who have managed to stay up to this point. I thought since we're half way through, I'd post a break page with Character Bios for you.

Character: Ava Fountaine

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Character: Ava Fountaine

Age: 13 going on 14

Defining Self: Ambitious, Self-Preserving, Determined

House: Elected Slytherin

Characterizing Quote: "Serpents do not lose sleep over the opinions of mice"

Characterizing Quote: "Serpents do not lose sleep over the opinions of mice"

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Character: (Sam)antha Spencer-Moon

Age: 13 going on 14

Defining Self: Cunning, Clever, Adaptive

House: Elected Slytherin

Characterizing Quote: "Bye, have to go study so I can be better than everyone I hate"

Character: Titia Marie De Vries

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Character: Titia Marie De Vries

Age: 13 going on 14

Defining Self: Stubborn, Ambitious, Protective

House: Probably a Ravenclaw

Characterizing Quote: "That sounds like a personal problem"

Characterizing Quote: "That sounds like a personal problem"

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Character: Mila Van Dijk

Age: 14

Defining Self: Passionate, Playful, and Instigative

House: Probably a Gryffindor

Characterizing Quote: "Don't let the bastards get you down"

Characterizing Quote: "Don't let the bastards get you down"

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Character: Ana Bakker

Age: 14

Defining Self: Assertive, Creative, Observer

House: Probably a Ravenclaw

Characterizing Quote: "Do something today that your future self will thank you for"

Characterizing Quote: "Do something today that your future self will thank you for"

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Character: Jacqueline Auclarc

Age: 14 going on 15

Defining Self: Bold, Self-Reliant, Daring

House: Either a Gryffindor or a Slytherin

Characterizing Quote: "Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty"

Characterizing Quote: "Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty"

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Character: Gisele Hulette

Age: 14 going on 15

Defining Self: Independent, Wise, Kind

House: Either a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff

Characterizing Quote: "Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude, and a lady with class"


Thoughts on these girls? Did I get their respective houses right? Some of them I can see in various houses which made it hard to choose and then come up with the quotes, but I had fun. I'll do another set of characters like this in another book I'm sure. Let me know what characters you'd want me to do like this. I'm still posting tomorrow as promised. Just wanted to get this out of the way to mark the halfway point in the book :)

Lots of Love,


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