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"He—y Guren", she wrapped her arms around his torso lying her head on his back.

This was the life that he had become accustomed to and accepted, she would annoy him without fail more than once a day at what he saw as scheduled times : when he left his room in the morning and when she was done with her work .
These were the times she'd do it everyday, other days was : after lunch, on patrol and after meetings.

Her being from a rather high up family, one closest to the Hiiragi's she'd been given one of the top position in the army, Major General - two positions above he's giving her authority over him, authority she never used.

They'd known eachother since before the catastrophe and in fact attended the same high school as him leading them to becoming friends despite him being from a low branch family of the Hiiragi's and her being cousins of the main Hiiragi Family.
In these days she wasn't at all annoying, someone he considered his closest friend but after the catastrophe and after joining the Japanese imperial demon army he couldn't help but find her annoying.

"Guren don't ignore me", she pouted, burying her head into his back hugging him tighter,

This isn't cute at all.

"You wreak of oil", he commented causing her to release him from her grip and sniff her uniform.

"What!?! I don't smell anything tho", she replied still struggling to get a whiff of the oil stench coming from her uniform.

" You should probably change your uniform after working. Being an engineer, it'll be hard to walk away from a job without smelling". He found himself checking his uniform for any stains of any sort,it wasn't common for him to be released from her grip without oil stains.

" I'm busy, go away ", he looked at her with a straight face and in return she did the same. They stayed like this for a few minutes, something that also happened between them ever encounter after her work.

Cutting the eye contact, she looked away, blushing facing the wall instead of his eyes. She popped her hand into her pocket revealing a small white envelope.

"Lieutenant General Kureto Hiiragi instructed me to give this to you", she paused handing the envelop to him." Don't bother with asking me what it's about or why he sent me to give it to you. I didn't ask so I don't know and it's not even for me so it's not my business. Just carrying out orders", she cut him before he could have ask, as if she'd read his mine. He took the envelope from her placing it on his desk while staring at it with curiosity.

It wasn't often that he'd send him letters like this, it was something that only happened when something bad was to happen.

As (Y/N) exited he opened the letter and read it to himself carefully and repeatedly unable to comprehend it's through meaning.

Watch yourself Guren.

Owari No Seraph : Hanahaki Otome, The Girl Who Spits FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now