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As night fell Guren approached the third floor of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army's dormitory. The floor was spilt into two sections ; the male's chamber and the female's chamber. Each chamber consisted of five rooms, only four of the female rooms and three of the males rooms were in use tho. The females living on this floor was Yukimi Shigure, Mito Juujou, Sayuri Hanayori and (Y/N) (L/N). The males were Norito Goshi, Shinya Hiiragi and Guren Ichinose but tonight two other people had joined them on the floor in the spare rooms. Lieutenant General Kureto Hiiragi and his assistant Colonel Aoi Sanguu had joined them just this night for reasons regarding the meeting they had about the letter Kureto had sent out to them. The reason for his stay on the floor was unknown to the others but never the less, wasn't questioned so the night followed on like it always would have but with curiosity in everyone's eyes.

When he arrived at his room he unlocked the door, walked in and quickly locked it again seeing it absolutely unadvisable to leave the door unlocked despite knowing that there is a possible threat amongst the inhabitants of the third floor.

By the time he had prepared himself for bed it was already 2am in the morning. He sighed lightly to himself before lying his back on the bed and staring off into the blank ceiling.

His mind was running wild with different assumptions and questions about what he'd heard today in Kureto's office and about what might happen tonight.

Him being him, he wanted to leave his room at night to check what could be happening at such an hour but the thought of Kureto's words and the look on his face keep crossing his mind.

What could be about to happen that he'd have that look on his face?
A look of honest concern and worry.

Before he could think anymore, his train of thoughts were interrupted by a chain of soft coughs. They were almost inaudible but they would still be hard to not hear. Guren could hear their footsteps, soft tapping on the floor approaching the direction of his door.

Guren had quietly slipped out of bed and sat up against the wall of the door, weaponed in hand. He was eager to run out and stop the person, but he knew it wouldn't have been a smart decision.

His curiosity began to run wild, willing him to check out side. As this, the coughing had stopped but followed by the sound of vomiting.

How unpleasant.

This didn't put a stop in the person's movement. The sound of dried leaves being kicked hit Guren's ears. His eyes widened having come up with another conclusion that he yet again didn't want to believe.

After the mysterious person had finished kicking their leaves or whatever they'd been doing they began to sing. In a low, soft almost calming voice. It was strange how soothing their voice was, Guren found himself being to doze off. His eyelids began to fall, him being unable to open them anymore he gave up allowing himself to be taken by the soft melody.

The singing had now stopped. Silence remained in the halls and Guren was fast a sleep. The person in the hall, held the handle to his door. They kept their grip for around five seconds before slowly sliding their fingers off the handle and walking off in the direction they came from.

Morning had come and Guren was still fast asleep his back resting of the way in a comfortable position with his sword on his lap his hands lightly holding it.

His peaceful sleep was soon disturbed again, causing his body to jolt. His grip on his sword tightening as he now stood with his back leaning against the wall.

An ear piercing scream had released into the air immediately walking up everyone living on the third floor of the dormitory.

Five of the other inhabitants rushed out of their rooms expecting the worst were all meet with the sight of pink petals, lined on the ground center of the top half of the floor : the boys dorm area.

The petals were easily recognised by everyone present. These pretty pink petals had more to them than just beauty, they held a story to them, someone's dark story with their untold secrets.

Owari No Seraph : Hanahaki Otome, The Girl Who Spits FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now