Chapter One

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I hug my jacket closer to my body as I walk to the train station. My feet crushing the leaves beneath me with every single step I take. Taxi cabs were buzzing about the streets. The smell of the musky autumn air enthralls the entire area with a comfortable feeling. People were in a rush, all in their clad suits while holding their brief cases. Everybody almost had the same facial expression which was a strained one. Their lives in a full storm.

I rush past through the crowd into a quiet neighborhood. The children were playing in the heaps of fallen leaves. The place was silent.

Last nights memories were arising through my thoughts. The whispers were so fresh in my mind. They sounded so desperate. There was so much pain in them.

I arrived at my humble abode and went in. The feeling was warm. The smell of mimosa flowers was lingering in the atmosphere.

"Cloven! We're in here." Jupiter called in which I guessed was in the kitchen. I took off my leather jacket then proceeded to the kitchen.

Creed; my tutor, was seated in the dinning table helping himself with a cup of coffee. Caffeine, I don't know how people liked it at all. The bitter taste was really unsettling and the after effects are just simply distasteful.

"Creed." I scowled at him. He knew I hated coffee scratch that he knew I loathed it. He smirked at me whilst looking up at the daily news paper.

I slump back in the nearest chair. I let the comfort of the chair enthrall my whole body. I place my feet on top of the dinning table as I make myself comfy.

"Cloven! Get your feet off the table. Have I not taught you manners child?" Jupiter scolded me. I sent out a huge grin as Daniel laughed out a vivacious laugh. I pulled my feet to my chest as I try to let myself feel safety. Jupiter shook her head disapprovingly then proceeded to exit the kitchen. She's probably of to water some of her orchids.

Creed folded his newspaper. His eyeglasses were settled at the lower part of his nose bridge. His piercing blue eyes bore into mine. His eyes stayed on mine as if he was challenging me to do something. I was wearing my sunglasses so he couldn't see my eyes illuminate.

When I was born I was diagnosed with a disease in which makes my eyes have an unnatural color. I tried wearing contacts, but they would just not work. The color of my eyes would just pierce through the ungodly things. In some weird way it would look like as if my eyes were lighting up. Doctors couldn't really point out what had happened to me. They came up with the conclusion that it was just some unprecedented disease.

When I was a little kid walking down the streets was a opressive thing to do. People were overwhelmed with my eyes. People would murmer and whisper right in front of me with disapproving eyes.

I've always worn sunglasses to cover up my dreadful sickness. I would wake up each day wishing I was normal. I wished to be that kind of girl with a normal family and a normal life. Who would wake up each day to go to school not like me who is mostly stuck in this brick home. Most of the times I go out, but a limited time is given to venture the world.

"Are you alright Cloven?" Creed asked with a strained face. I sighed and closed my eyes before putting on a soft smile. I for one was good at masking away my feelings. I've learned to never show upon people my true feelings. Letting people know of your feelings is a sign of you allowing them to be attached. It would be like letting people read your diary, your utter most feelings. Letting people sense you're vulnerable.

I tightened my hold on my legs as I took a deep breath then letting it all out.

He stood up,the floors creaking along with his steps. He approached me on the end of the table and crouched down so he was leveled with my face. He gently brushed off the hair that was free falling down my face. His calloused fingers ever so lightly brushing my skin. He reach down to my face then looked at me as he slowly took off my sunglasses.

I shut my eyes quickly earning myself a deep chuckle. "Don't worry Cloven I've seen them before." He said.

I pried my eyes ever so slowly as I adjusted them to the light surrounding the room. I looked straight up to Creed. He was looking at me with full adoration, but that lasted shortly when Peregrine decided to barge in the room. He stopped midway the kitchen about to say something, but was forced into a halt. He looked between the two of us with a despicable smirk before scurrying away.

I looked back at Creed to see that he had stood up in a comfortable distance. He offered me his hand with an unwavering smirk.

"Let's hit those books." I took his hand then proceeded to grunt.

I was in the midst of reading the history of the medieval era when the whispers came back.


We need you

Come back to Entropy Cloven

The whispers were ringing through my ears. I clutched my head in order for the whispers to not barge into my thoughts. It just got stronger.

"C-creed!" I yelled in pain. My body was slowly going into shock. I felt hands hold mine. Creed was looking at me straight into my eyes. He was murmuring something. It looked as if he was chanting. Without any warning his eyes rolled back into his head making me shiver in fear. White flashes began to flood through my eyes. I saw flashes of fields and people.

It felt as if I was transported into another dimension. Memories continued to flash through. There were people I saw at cafe's and people who I've seen come by at the house. The memories were slowly fading and I was faced with Creed's awful states

Soon after that the whispers died down and Creed's eyes were back to normal.

"W-what just happened?!" I pushed myself away from Creed. My body was weak resulting of me falling down on the floor.

"Cloven calm down. Jupiter! Peregrine!" He yelled before crouching down to me. His hands were inches away from me before I pushed them away.

Not long after Peregrine and Jupiter came barging in the library in our home. Jupiter came rushing towards me. She rocked me slowly just to make me calm down. My breathing had become stronger. I no longer was breathing, but gasping for air. She lulled me to ataraxia. I was struggling to keep it together. Peregrine and Creed were discussing something before Creed looked at me with concern filled eyes.

"I think it's time." Jupiter said. Peregrine looked at her understandingly. My mind was racing through a lot. What did she mean it was time? Would I be going somewhere? I looked at Creed again, but this time he was pulling out his phone trying to contact someone.

I looked at Jupiter in confusion and utter curiousity.

"Sweetheart it's time for you to go back to Entropy."



This is the first chapter of my new story Eunoia. It's rather confusing, but I swear the story would explain itself further on the next chapters. I would just like to place it out there that I would try to update regularly perhaps once a week maybe? I'm not making promises here. I'm a very busy person and my schedule is up to par with a person who has a HECTIC job (Well, maybe I was a tad bit over dramatic). I most certainly would like some criticism and encouraging comments. I'm not forcing you guys to make comments, but anyways please be aware this story is not edited. DO NOT COPY MY STORY. I hate plagiarism you guys.


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