Broken Record | I

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Aeryn couldn't believe the sight in front of her. As she sat in the ghost-like library with her very boring Book of Horrors, the school's golden boy eyes grew frantic. The only sounds that could be heard in the lonely room was his incessant pleas for help. Aeryn rids the shinning surprise from her eyes quickly, not giving a chance for the boy to figure out that he caught her off-guard. The sound of her book snapping shut overpowered the boys pleas; a rude way of shutting him up.

"No." Aeryn sighed and began unzipping her bag. She could've sworn her book bag began to collect dust as she gave the abandoned room a once over.

Jaehyun jerked his head back slightly, from both the loud slam of the book and the blatant rejection.

"Wait- what? Why not? You-"

Aeryn cuts him off with the raise of her hand.

"You-" She chuckles but there is no humor. "Jaehyun Jung. The school's golden boy. The guy that could have even our school's principle bent over her own desk- Jaehyun Jung. Is asking me- no- pleading me, to help him get some random that doesn't even go here?"

Aeryn had never heard of the girl. Maise Thompson. Who the hell is that? Putting that aside, Jaehyun could have any girl he wanted and all he had to do was say the word. Yet, he approaches Aeryn? The girl that the school student body comes to when they're at their low? When they're so desperate they would offer anything for her help?

Jaehyun hangs his head and sighs. He'd be able to send himself to college with all the money he'd collect from hearing those things. Things like: Golden Boy. Sex God. Angel.

He hated it.

"Just because everyone that you know may want me doesn't mean that everyone you don't know does. I've tried everything. I've helped her with anything she wanted, I talked her down when she had no one else to talk to, I ran to her when she just needed to leave. I-" Jaehyun dared to glance at Aeryn, only to find the girl with a bored expression adorning her features and arms folded across her chest.

"I- fuck- I'm desperate okay." The girl would never admit that she almost caved hearing his voice grow soft.

"I've known her since I was twelve and I always thought it was just a crush I would forget about over time but it grew. It grew and festered into something that I can't handle. She's the thing I want to hold and listen to before I sleep, and wake up to and kiss the next morning. I- I've tried dating other girls. I've even tried sleeping with them just to feel something other than what I felt for her, but she was all I saw. Her face was the only thing I could see every time I even held another girls hand." Jaehyun pathetically plopped down into a chair. A sigh left his lips before running his pale hands through his honey colored hair.

Bored. Unimpressed. Disinterested.

All the things Aeryn was at that moment. She had heard every word, the distressed boy spewed, before. Words that made her want to physically cringe every time they cursed her ears. It was like the prayer that pastors recite after every sermon. The one that you would tap your foot at, as if doing so would make time go faster. Like a broken record.

"Again. No." Shock tainted Jaehyun's face as he watched the girl grab her things, quickly getting up to leave.

He was stuck in a trance watching the darker girl's hair fall to the sides of her face, completely blocking her expression. No one - no woman - had ever told him no. Maybe his mother but that obviously did not count. This girl, Aeryn, spoke with such disinterest. He would've understood the situation a little better if she was mad, but she had no expression other than annoyance. She made Jaehyun feel like a bother. No one had ever made him feel like a bother; that was his job.

As the girl's form retreated towards the large double doors, he sat in deep thought. He needed her. He had to have the girl he so desperately wanted and to make that happen, he needed her.

"However much you want I'll pay!"

The voice stopped Aeryn in her tracks. The boy's voice vibrated off of the near-decrepit walls. Did she forget to mention rich? The boy may be alarmingly good-looking and seriously charming, but he also had money to back it up. Everyone at their school did; some more than others but money is money. You either have it or you don't.

Currently Aeryn did not.

"Five-hundred? Eight-hundred? One thousand? I'll do it. I'll pay it. Just help me. Please."

Maybe it was all the decade old dust that Aeryn inhaled for the past half hour. Or maybe it was the remaining money she still had yet to save for college. Or maybe she was just plain stupid.

"I'll do it."



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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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