That's how it started

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April 10th 2014

I wanna do something. Like speical, for a few fans..but what.

I could spend a day with them..?

A week?

A month..?

The thoughts just came bigger and bigger until I thought of it.

1 year, 2 swifties, with me.

Starting the few months before my 5th album, 1989 is released.

It's perfect. Gonna be hard, but I'll do it. I'll do it for them.


June 30th 2014

"Album 5 is gonna be perfect, I'm so EXCITED!" I fangirl into my phone, FaceTimeing my best friend, Alexis.

She lives in Ohio and I'm in LA.

Were both swifties and are best friends.

"Did you see the contest on Taylor's website yet?" She asks.

"" I say, but it sounded like a question because I am confused.

"There's a contest, for two fans to LIVE WITH HER FOR A YEAR!" Alexis fangirls.

What????? OMG OMG.

"Really?!" I ask her, freaking out.

"Yes!! Enter. Like imagine..winning..? I would have a best friend who has lived with and been in taylor swift's home!" She screams.

"Eh. I won't win. Like, impossible, Alexi." I tell her.

"" Alexis said laughing.

"Okay I should go to bed, I'll enter tomorrow. It's not like I'll win but I'll enter. One in million chance. Bye. Swift dreams!" I smiled.

"okay, me too. SWIFT DREAMS!" She screamed and hanged up.

Let's sleep.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

My alarm clock, sings as I moan and get up.

I go into my bathroom and undress and take a shower.


I have 19 minutes to spare and I said I'd enter Taylor's contest today.

It's so cool that taylor is doing that.

Even though I won't win, sob, sob.

I go to Taylor's site and click on it.

It says record a video explaining why you love taylor and how she inspires you. As well as proving how big of a fan you are.

Sounds easy enough.

I go into my closet and grab my video camera and my tripod.

I set it up and start filming.

"hey taylor nation, and hopefully also taylor. I'm Eliza Adams, I'm 13, and I live in LA. I love taylor with all my heart and..." I say as i explain why I love her and why she inspires me.

I show my merchandise and say my concert story and how my life is behind a fan page, because it is. which kinda explains how much I love taylor.

"Thanks for watching. I just love taylor and I'm so happy you guys are even doing this. Taylor is so greatful and amazing, and I know it's a one in a million chances which I'm not even in the million, but I love taylor and wanted to try. Thanks for watching." I say lastly into my camera, almost crying, for no real reason, maybe I love her that much? I don't really know.

I stop the camera and edit it and upload it to her site.

That's how it started.


Helloooo world!!! My name is Cassidy and I'm 13, and taylor is my idol role motel and my everything. I "known" her since I was 7, so I grew up with her and she grew up with me. And I am forever greatful for that. This is my new story, and I wanted it to start taking place in the past so I can do events that happened a while ago and also tidbits of when taylor was making 1989. Next chapter will be flash forward to when they get the call that they won. They're will be a lot of flash forwards until we get to the main part. Where they live with taylor. I'm Excited to do this story and I hope you are happy to read it. Love you xo

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