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July 15th 2014

The contests ended a few weeks ago. I probably didn't win. Impossible. But I hope one of my swiftie friends do! They're amazing and so deserving, especially Alexis.

Just then, my phone ringed.

It was a unknown number
But something told me to answer it.

"Hello?" I ask, as I answer it.

"Hello. This is taylor nation. We will like to see you in NYC for a secret, taylor related event."

Wow..that was vague.

"Can you tell me anything else?" I ask, confused on what this is.

"Not other then it's on the 19th in Times Square, at 4pm in the Disney store."

Hm..sounds...odd, But something told me to accept.

"I'll be there."

Now I'll be spending the next 4 days wondering what the hell this is.

"Oh and you can't tell anyone until we say you can."

That'll be hard.

"I won't."

"good. See you on Thursday."


❤️ ALEXIS ❤️

July 15th 2014

I walk outside, grasp the new summer air. My phone rings. Unknown number.

What do I do?

It's probably a spam.

And it's coming from Nashville.


But something about the feel, the energy..made me feel like I should Answer it.


"This is taylor nation. We would like to invite you to a top secret event in NYC time square on Thursday, at 4pm."

"That's all you can tell me?"

"That is all."

Very vague. But I felt like It was real, and that I should do it.

And I did.

"I'll be there."



Hellooo again! So that's their calls, I got the idea of it being secretive from how people who went to 1989SS said their call was like. I hope you guys like this story! This was a short a/n..I don't have much to say. Bye!!

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