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"Oh good you're still awake." I hear Hosuh coming back into the room. I'm scrolling through social media with my phone above my face.

"I'm not a weakling. I've been beaten worse. I swear freakin magic hurts like a banshee." I drop my hands to the ground.

"Never mind Hosuh I'm NOT helping her." I hear a vaguely familiar voice say from out of my vision.

"Daniel please. I can't cart her you know that it even protect her... I mean I could wash her wounds...." Hosuh covers his face.

"Fine... you owe me big time though..." the one called Daniel says. And the second I see him I wish I picked a different room.

"YOURE THE ONE WHO TRIED TO KILL ME!" I gasp. I fought this Daniel because he wasn't respecting the hierarchy. Those witches...

"And you'll the conceded werewolf that thinks she owns everyone." Daniel glares at me.

"I don't own everyone, but I've been the alpha since I was in kindergarten and I don't do kindly to those who disrupt my rein" I sit myself up.

"You weren't the true alpha when we fought or are you now." He kneels next to me.

"Why be in danger as the alpha when you can get all the same perks and also protection. I don't see why you witches are conceded." I scoff.

"Because we don't fight each other for protection. We all have to protect ourselves and not have one person solve all the others problems."

"... frisbees are nothing to take lightly. You can't take your eyes off of them or they are gone."

Little Miss Kick Yo Butt (Hosuh x reader)Where stories live. Discover now