Somethings, Different? (Chapter 1)

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To the onlooker, the most significant known city of Atlantide seemed just like any other typical day, if there was a normal day, people roamed the streets, kids pursued each other with such enthusiasm to lighten anyone's day. Many bakeries gave off a pleasing fragrance of recently baked bread and sweet pastries.

In spite of this, it wasn't normal. Well, not as normal as it regularly is. But only a few people noticed this fact.

A male marched down a hall, his blue hair steady gliding to the beat of his walking. Seeming to bounce along his headband. The man was otherwise known as Ritchie, one of Divinus Magica's guild leaders. His brow furrowed in thought, a question nagging rapidly at his brain. Which could surely make his fellow guild leader cringe without a doubt.

"Oi, Brother?". Ritchie smashed into the room without knocking, Brandon chocked in a sigh, a sigh that held some amusement. Already suspecting his twin brother was gonna question him about a sudden assumption that came to his mind. "Let me guess. You also feel that odd presence in the air?" Brandon acknowledged.

"Yes.." Richie returned, plopping himself down on the chair next to his twin. "Doesn't it seem familiar...?" Richie claimed, " Its almost like..-".

"Like the portal back on Selode..?" Brandon interrupted, catching onto Ritchie's train of thought. The twins were known for that, and they pretty much conveyed the mystery if twins had a special connection that enabled them to read each other's minds.

"EXACTLY!" Richie boomed. Jumping out of his seat, banging his hands on the table in enthusiasm. And threw himself back into the chair, almost knocking it over at the sudden pressure, " But why..? Did it appear again to take us back..? or.. ". Richie looked up at Brandon, a glow of desire in his eyes for Brandon to have a counterclaim. That involved him and his brother not be taken back to their homeworld. Of course, the twins miss Selode. But he can't imagine leaving those he came to know, Atlantide, and his guild members. The relationships that took years to build. And all of the adventures, it would break his heart into more than just shattered pieces if they were brought back to Selode just like this. Regarding the fact their friends will need them here, to fight with them against any threat that may arise.

Brandon proposed another idea, " Or perhaps other people got sent to this world?".

Ritchie's head perked up, "What if they are from Selode as well..?". Curiosity filling his eyes. Brandon could already sense the urge of nosiness emitting from his brother. and held in a soft chuckle.

"Yes, we can go check it out, but lets first check with Micheal and Bri if they have noticed this as well.".

Richie nodded eagerly, jumping off his chair and over the counter, heading straight for the door.

He wanted to get to the bottom of this sudden occurrence. It's not every day that a new wave of magic from another world may hit atlantide.

Guess they got another situation other than the rifts.


Grabbing the last bottle of wine, Silver walked over to the tables, setting the glass down on the only section of the table that appeared to be sturdy — hugging Fred close to his chest. Reluctantly he set fred on the table in front of him, of course, whipping off the pile of dust that collected there during underuse.

Yawning, all he proceeded to do was brush Fred with his only hairbrush. Well, Fred does require to be kept in tip-top shape. Just don't overthink about it.

The distant noise of sewer water kept on rushing past the base — feeding on the negative vibe that vibrated off his home.

Empty was what Silver had grown accustomed to. Sometimes he wished his emotions could sometimes do the same.

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