Never hire David to be a guard. Never. (Chapter 5)

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              He grabbed onto dry land, Mitch helping him up by hoisting him up onto the island by the arms. Clothes dripping from soaking up ocean water, it wasn't a pleasant feeling. Probably would be if he was prepared to suddenly be in the middle of the ocean.

Mitch followed behind,  eyes filled with brotherly worry. Asking, " Jake. You okay?". He replied after coughing up remaining water in his throat, 

He nodded, smiling at his brother. " I'm fine! Just... That wasn't our ocean, was it?". Mitch looked back to the surface of the sea. Browse furrowed in thought.

After a moment of silence, Mitch replied: "no, I don't think it was.".

He glanced over to the island they reached. Feeling an awkward tension in the air. Furthermore, the reason for that was answered when a familiar voice spoke up, " who even are you guys!?".

Jake and Mitch turned around to find... A shirtless man a distance behind them.

They all just stared at each other. No one daring to break the stillness due to tension held between all three of them. 

"Well, who are you people? And what are you doing in my garden!", the person repeated.

Mitch was the one to answer, " well.. I'm Mitch, and this is my brother Jakey.". Mitch continued on, "and you see, we sorta just teleported in the middle of the ocean. And we made our way here."

The person stared at them intensely, trying to figure out if they were a threat. Finally replying after coming to a conclusion, " sure, why not!".

He and Mitch exchanged glances. Confused, but moreover worried that this person is just letting them trespass like this. 

"Anyways, Who are you guys even cosplaying..? Never knew you two would get together and do this, from what I've seen you're a grumpy edgelord--" The man turned over to Jake. "-- and you haven't even stuttered once!"

He felt confusion start rising into a hundred question, Maybe more. But one thing for sure. This person was mistaking them for someone else. But Mitch best him to state that fact, "sorry. I think you're talking about someone else. From what I know about ourselves. Jake barely stutters, and I don't consider myself a... edge lord."

The man snickered, "you guys are really going to go far with this joke!". Making both of them cringe.

" look, we're not who you think we are. And we're not lying when saying that we just got teleported here..!" Jake declared. Starting to get a bit irritated, which is an incredibly rare occasion.

An interesting accent spoke up, suddenly appearing into the awkward conversation (at least it was awkward for them.). "They aren't even from this dimension according to--"

"Bri!" Mitch caught sight of the white feathers of one of the Aphrodite children.


Sorry this was later than I wanted it to! I had a crowded weekend. And didn't find time to write at all the previous week. And I'll give a little insight to the next chapter. It will be a bit back in time than this chapter. Back to chapter 3 or 2.

Anyways, have a great day!

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