Chapter 1

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Angel and I were sitting in U.S. History when I was given the News. I sat down in a chair with a room full of stranger. The only faces I knew was Angel & Kyle, and I only saw sadness in everyone's eyes.

I look at them and I got angry. Everyone is here and no one is out there looking for who killed my mom. But no they were all in here with me wondering what foster system to put me into. There is no point I'll be 18 next month so I'll just be an homeless adult.

I can't be put into the foster system t don't want to do, then the unthinkable happens. Mrs. Fox stands next to me putting a hand on my shoulder. "I'll take Amanda in, she's still young and she's my daughters best friend". "I couldn't handle it if she was sent to foster care".

"Mrs. Fox you do realize this will only work is going to take a lot of time and legal paper work". "Yes I know but she's just a kid who lost her mother I can deal with the time and paper work".

I look at her with tears in my eyes, I get up and Angel runs and hugs me with tears in her eyes. "It'll all be okay..." "May", I turn to see Kyle my only male friend the only one who can stand me more then a minute.

"I know it's just hard, how could something like this happen to me". "Mandy its life", "were put threw many obstacles to push us but we need to pick the one that will help us move forward in life".

"Yeah got it Angel but it feels like I was dealt a deck of cards and don't know how to play them". "It's okay", "no it's not my mom is dead and my dad is somewhere living his life because he didn't want me and left my mom so she had to raise me by herself".

"My life just had to be ruined by a stupid fire". "May calm down", I push against the door and walk outside. "I'm calm Kyle I'm completely calm".

"Mandy I know what will make you feel better". "What?!". "We're going to have a girls day she says looking at Kyle". "Angel maybe May just wants to go and get some sleep and maybe think about everything that's happened".

"Angel as true as it is all I want to do is go lay down but we'll have a girls day soon okay". "Okay Mandy Kyle can you drive Mandy to me place my mom and I are going to go shopping for things for Mandy".

I nod and follow Kyle to his car, I want to believe this wasn't real but it was all too real and I had to face the facts that my mom died from a fire and now my house and my mom are in ashes.

"May you all right", I shake my head and look at him. "Oh umm..." "yeah just spaced out for a minute". "You wanna talk about it", "no not really I just wanna go". I open the door and sit down a buckle up.

"Okay then", I watch as Kyle gets in and starts the car. We drive in silence I usually had being with someone and we're not talking. But how could I talk to the guy who stood up for me while I was bullied and the start artist going to get the life he always wanted.

The car ride feels like years before we get to Angels house once we park, I can feel him starring out me. "What Kyle" "Okay got it your mad". "Mad I'm more then mad Kyle", "my mom is dead and I'm all alone".

"May...", "no stop don't say I'm not alone Kyle my mom is dead I'm an only child I think", "and my own dad is no where to be seen in all of this", "I have no family Kyle".

"I don't want to be alone Kyle", I feel my eyes getting wet. "I want my mom back and no one in Seattle can tell me who started that stupid fire that took everything away from me".

"Wait", "huh why wait there is no point". "No May do you smell gasoline", I stop and I breath in. "Yeah a little", "get out of the car now". I see Kyle push open his door and hurry out of the car and I try opening the door but it won't open. I push the button to unbuckle my seat belt.

But it wouldn't budge, that is when it happened the car exploded. While I was inside, I could here the screams of Kyle while the fire engulfed each. But I didn't feel anything burning. All I felt was tired so I did what I could do I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Then the next thing I know I hear the worst noise in the world. My stupid alarm clock going off, "ugh shut up". I couldn't move my body, I felt sore and my head was pounding. "Mom can you come help me I can't move" I felt stiff but nothing happened and the room was still dark.

"Mom am I not going to school today and your letting me sleep in well I'm not complaining but why am I sore". Then the beeping continued, "ugh shut up" then my eyes open and there was a bright light shining in my eyes. I look away from the light to adjust my eyes to the light.

"Ugh where am I this isn't my bed room nor Angels". "And then I realize I'm in a hospital room", then a nurse comes in and looks at me right in the eyes, then picks up a phone and talks to someone. She hangs up and checks my vitals and the other machines.

I may not know all the terms but I've seen every episode of Grey's  anatomy to know what's going on. "Why am I here" I ask the nurse, "you know I have rights I need to know where I am", "and where is Kyle". "You know him Kyle Woods".

But she stayed silent and then left. "Hey come back here lady I'm not done with you". "They won't talk to you" a deep voice says. I turn to see tall man and he looked very familiar, "um why not?" "They were order not to talk to you". "Um... why may I ask".

"Because I ordered them not to". "Again why?", "do you remember what happened to you". "What do you mean all I went threw was a bad dream". "Now where is my mom and when can I leave".

"Ms. Stone everything that happened to you was real". "What do you mean that my life is really over". "I wouldn't say that but you've been in a coma for 4 years".

"Wait? What!", "I'm sorry your body shut down because of the trauma you faced". "So your saying I was asleep for 4 years". "Yes Ms.Stone and happy 21 birthday". I froze where I was, just yesterday I was just a 17 year old girl going through a custody battle to see where I go now I'm and adult.

"Wait what about school", "you took honors classes and the year was almost over so you graduated". "But what about my friends", "I'm afraid they believe your dead Ms. Stone". "What who said you could say I'm dead", "I'm definitely alive". "I gave the order" another deep voice comes into the room and I'm frozen.

"Here is the man I never thought I was going to be able to see ever again". "My dad", I cross my arms. "What are you doing here", " what can't I come visit my daughter".

"I'm not your daughter you gave up that right once you left us". "Amanda..." "No!" "You left us and never cared and now my only family I had is dead". "I— I never got to go to her funeral".

"Well it would be odd going to your funeral". "They head my funeral with my moms", "yes but I'm really sorry I wasn't there I'll explain everything once your relished". "Umm again where am I... ." "Umm why", "because this is where I live and the court wants you to live with someone until they think your better". "Why couldn't I stay with angel", "because Amanda again they all think your dead".

"Okay I got it now", "what?" "Your really not going to question how your alive and how you have no burns after being blown up in a car explosion". I take a deep breath, "I forgot that happened", "do I really want to know or should I wait until I'm out of the hospital".

"Well Amanda I'd say you should wait until you get out and you'll probably get out soon". "Yeah okay", "but what do I do now I've never been in the hospital for myself before". "Watch tv catch up on everything you've missed while being in a coma". "Can I let my friends know I'm alive". "I thinks it's for the best we keep it this way". "Um why?" "You ask a lot of questions but now it's quite time".

My dad sits in the chair next to he bed and turns the tv on. He flips to the news and we watch it together, I'll have to take notes on everything that's happened. I want to be caught up with everything so it'll be like I was never in a coma in the first place.

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