Seeing The Beauty

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16th October, 1954, Jacksonville.

Liz met Amanda once again.
The next day under the pretty light of the setting sun. It was getting colder day by day. She settled down on the bench she met Amanda the last day and waited the remaining time. Only a few, short minutes later, Amanda was sitting down next to Liz. A white coat only hanging over her shoulders and a red dress clothing her.

Liz looked to the side, meeting Amanda's eyes. „Hello." Amanda said and smiled. Liz took Amanda's hand and kisses the back of it. „Glad to see you again my lady." Liz returned the smile and let go of Amanda's hand. „I'm glad too." Amanda shyly responded. Liz was still a stranger and she did not know if it was good that she just let her kiss her hand.

Liz and Amanda returned their gazes to the water and sank into the silence that arose soon after. The evening was chill and a light wind blew. It was not that cold but Amanda still shivered.  Liz noticed and took off her scarf. „Here." She said and laid it around Amanda's neck. „You should put on the coat." Amanda nodded and did so. She put it on and adjusted the scarf a little bit. Liz's scent reached her nose and she sank into it. It somehow calmed her.

„So." Liz began, her eyes still on the river. „Where do you come from?" She asked and Amanda looked up. The treetops almost covering the whole sky. „Jacksonville. I grew up here and was born here." She responded and little flashbacks of her childhood popped up in her head. She began to stare into the void and smile over the little cute memories. Amanda almost did not notice how Liz started to talk again. „Well. I am from London and moved her a few years ago." Amanda looked at her.

„London? I only heard about it. Must be really pretty." Liz nodded. „It is. I miss my old home. A little house near a big forest. My father wanted to move and he then got a job offer here in Jacksonville." Amanda listening and Liz's voice was a mellow lullaby in Amanda's ears. She liked to hear it. „But I do not want to talk about me. I would like to talk about you my dear." Liz smiled and looked at Amanda, locking eyes.

„There is nothing to talk about." „Oh I bet there is." Amanda thought about things she could tell without telling too much. „Okay well. I love not far from here in an old house near the bridge. I have a dog called Mellow. It's a golden retriever and a cat named Faith. I work in this old shop down town. I am 26 years old and that is practically it." „And you said there is nothing to talk about." Liz snickered. „Yeah I do not like talking about me. So I rather prefer to say that I am not interesting at all." „No. You are one of the most interesting people I met. Even when I only met you yesterday. I just knew you were." Liz retorted to Amanda's statement. Amanda blushed and looked down at her hands in her lap.

She tried to hold them warm but without success. Amanda shivered and closed her coat. „You said you would live not far from here, right?" Amanda looked at Liz at the sudden question. She nodded. „Yes, why are you asking?" „You are cold so I thought we could go home. Only if you are okay with that. Or at least I will bring you home." Liz knew it would be too soon to stay at Amanda's place. „I mean sure." Liz got up and held out her hand for Amanda to take. Amanda did so and got up too, dusting off the cold of the back of her dress.

Liz and Amanda walked the path back and over the bride to Amanda's house. Once there Amanda took out the key and opened the door in one turn. It swung open and Amanda stepped inside. „Thank you for bringing me home." Amanda smiled fondly and Liz returned it. „You are welcome." Liz kneeled down and held up the one rose she picked up on their way. „Until one day darling." Amanda took the rose and held it to her breast. „Come to my house tomorrow." Amanda said. „Sure will." Liz nodded and with a last kiss on Amanda's hand she walked away. Amanda closed the door and turned, leaning against it and smelling on the rose.


First day done.
What will happen on the second.

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