The Job Interview!

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I woke up with a groan and reached over to grab my phone, I grabbed it and untangled the mess of blankets by my feet.

I tried to turn it on but it remained blank, it had powered off 'I should have charged it last night'

I caught a reflection of myself through the glass and cringed 'Damn I look like shit'

I lay there for a moment, trying to remember if I had to do anything today.

"Shit!" I got up and hurried into the bathroom, shut the door and stripped quickly.

'Stupid, stupid phone' I cursed, stepping into the shower and shut the glass door.

I turned on the water and leaned against the shower wall, trying to clear my head.

'Okay, I need to be prepared for this interview. I should probably go through what I'm going to say.'

' "Hi, I'm Violet Gray and I'm here for my interview" '

'Is that too formal?'

'What about this, " Hi, I'm Violet and I'm here for my interview with Mark for my position as Legal Aide '

'No, I'm an idiot, it's not your position yet, you're going for an interview'

'Okay, what should I say then?' ' " Hi I'm Violet Gray, a clinically depressed and anxiety-ridden young adult. How about that job?"

I felt the water turn cold and I turned it off and got out, drying my feet on the rug on the floor. I stood in front of the mirror and looked over at my features, long dark brown hair, light freckles, clear grey eyes and of course, the usual under-eye bags.

I stepped back, brushed my teeth, washed my face and put some lotion on. I hummed a tune and went to my closet to pick out my outfit.

I settled on a pinkish cream dress with a pair of cream heels, my hair in a bun and a bracelet covering my arm tattoo.

Grabbing a small white clutch and ran out to my small baby blue Toyota, threw my stuff in the back and drove off.


I pulled into the parking lot in front of the light cream building and started gathering my stuff inside the car.

'Ok Violet, you can do this'

'It's just an interview, it's not a big deal'

'Oh shit, but it is'

I shook my head in an attempt to clear my head and began walking into the white building.

As soon as I stepped in, I could feel all the tension leave my body as I instantly relaxed. I looked around for a bit and walked up to the front desk. I opened my mouth to talk but I was interrupted by a voice.

"Interview that way, good luck" a voice mumbled from under the counter, pointing to a long set of dark brown stairs.

"Thanks, I guess" I mumbled and walked up the stairs, instinctively tracing the familiar tattoo on my wrist. I followed a large sign that was pointed towards a large looking conference room.

I walked in and stopped, seeing a group of people gathered around a large table all engaged in conversation.

I coughed awkwardly and they all turned to stare at me, 'It's fine, you got this Violet'

"Hello, I'm Violet Gray and I'm here for an interview?" I spoke, my voice wavering at the end.

A tall, slender brunette woman got up and walked towards me "Welcome- uh what's your name again?"

"Violet" I gave her a small smile and fiddled with my ring "Yes, Violet we thought you had skipped on us"

"Um... No, I didn't ha ha" I awkwardly spoke and shook her hand, giving her a tight-lipped smile.

"Well I'm glad you didn't, now take a seat and we'll start the interviews."

'At least you haven't embarrassed yourself yet' I walked to the large table and sat next to a light-haired boy whose hair was buried in a book. I set my purse down and tried to look at the title 'Anal for Beginners'.

'Woah, did not expect that' I felt myself blush and looked away, hiding my face.

"Okay, that seems to be everyone. Let's get started!" I focused on her as she started to walk around the table.

"You all are here for the position of Legal Aide at SafeGuard Rights Law Firm. There will be 8 people picked and if you make it, you will get an email later today. It's not going to be easy and I hope you have your resume and all other needed documents. You will be called into a room for a one on one interview that determines if you get the job or not. Good Luck." She spoke and disappeared into a room.

I got on my phone and started to text Chloe:

I got on my phone and started to text Chloe:

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I was startled by the sound of someone laughing, I looked up and almost had a mini heart-attack

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I was startled by the sound of someone laughing, I looked up and almost had a mini heart-attack. The boy I just happened to be talking about was reading over my shoulder and laughing.

'Oh shit, he probably hates me now. Violet, you messed up really bad'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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