sail away sweet sister (to the sister i never had)

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sail away sweet sister sail across the sea

This chapter is about my BFF Sonia. We have been friends since pre school and have been friends for 8 years. I can trust her with anything and she is so understanding. It's strange, we have nothing in common but we're still friends. I like old stuff, I like old bands, movies, books, actresses. Sonia's complex. You can't really establish her interests or favorites. One day a she'll like one artist and then she'll like another and hate the one she liked yesterday. Sonia is really nice but is insecure about herself. I mean, whenever we take a selfie together she says how pretty I am and that she doesn't look that good, which I disagree. She's really smart and I know she'll go far in the future.

Sonia, if you're reading this, we're gonna be friends forever and I enjoy doing really stupid things with you lol.

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