New Home Part 1

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"Sage, it's time to go." My mother yelled to me as she packed the last things in the car. I don't want to move but I have to, it's all because of my mom's new job. If it wasn't for her we wouldn't have to move. I hate her for this, this is all her fault.
A week later
It's been week and my room is somewhat unpacked. I start school today and I go the hospital after school now because my mom's new job is head nurse at the local hospital. I'm walking into school so I have to find my class, I walk up the stairs to be stoped at the top.  "So, you're new to these parts?" Asked a girl. "Y-y-ya." I stuttered slowly. "Well I guess I have to put you in your place." Said the girl as her and her group pushed me down the stairs. I hit every step as I fall to the ground, crying in pain. I felt my lungs becoming weaker as my body filled with pain. I heard  the girl laughing as a teacher ran up to me. "Miss are you okay, can you hear me?" Said the teacher as he grabbed my hand. "What happened?" He yelled looking up the stairs. "She fell down the stairs." Said the girl sounding surprised. The pulled out his phone and I assume called 911. I hear sirens outside before was yelling from the teacher that I was by the stairs. "She fell down the stairs and her breathing is slowing. She is new to the school." The teacher said as the medics took me to the ambulance. "Ma'am, What hurts?" Said the female medic. "Everything, but mostly my lungs." I spoke quietly with the little breathe I could find. She put a mask on my face and started feeling my ribs. "Feels like a few broken ribs. And maybe some fractures." She said to the male medic who was putting electrodes on my chest. "Sorry I had to cut your shirt to put the electrodes on your chest." Said the male medic as the female medic flashed a light in my eyes. I instantly closed my eyes due to intense pain. "Mild concussion." She said looking at me sympathetically. When we got to the hospital the chaos only got worse. "17 year old female, fell down the stairs, possible lung puncture from broken ribs, name Sage Wood." Said the female medic as we entered the hospital. "Page Dr.Wood." A nurse that I've never seen said, then again I won't leave my mom's office when I'm here. "Okay Sage I'm Dr.Green. I'm going to take care of you, we've paged your mom okay?" He said shining a light in my eyes. What's with these people and lights? I nodded my head slightly, relieved that my mother is coming. "Mild concussion, you're going to stay here a little while so I'm going to get you an overnight room and get you admitted." Said Dr.Green. Seconds later my mom ran in. "What we got?" She asked slipping on a pair of cloves. "Dr.Wood, it's your daughter." Dr.Green said slowly and sympathetically. "What, What happened?" She asked running to my bed side. "She fell down the stairs at school and has a Mild concussion, she seems to have a few broken ribs and possibly a lung puncture from it. She is having trouble breathing and I want to have a full body X-ray and MRI done." Dr.Green explained to my mom using words I don't understand. "I can tell she has a few broken ribs, and based off her breathing it's ether a lung puncture or fluid build up in between her ribs and lungs." My mom said and my anxiety got to much, I started to cry and my breathing got worse. "Honey calm down it's okay, none of that will hurt. I'm going to clean you up and put you in a gown then we will get the X-rays and MRI done." My mom explained to me before grabbing a rag and wetting it then touching my blood socked skin. "Mother please, that hurts." I whispered with pain. "Sorry but I have too." She explained. The longer she wipes the blood of me the more I cry and the more pain I'm in. When she finally finished she put the gown on me, and we were off to radiology. The X-rays didn't take long but they were uncomfortable. I had to lay still for the MRI, which took an hour. I'm finally back in my room and I have an IV in my arm with a little bite of pain killers in it. I'm going to start keeping a journal of what happens at school. Dr.Green said I can leave in two days, but I don't know if he's including today or not. I'm going to be so scared to go back to school. Dr.Green says I have two broken ribs and there's mucus in my lungs so once my ribs are healed he's going to put me on a breathing treatment to loosen the mucus. Chances are I will most likely have to do the treatment for the rest of my life because I was having trouble breathing before. "Now this treatment you will do every morning, half way through the day if you feel necessary, and every night." Said Dr.Green as he felt my ribs checking for swelling. I'm getting tired so I'm going to try and sleep. I wake up to yelling, it's about one in the afternoon. "What going on?" I asked panicked as everyone crowded around me. "You are going to be moved to a different floor." Said a nurse I've never seen before. "Where is my mom?" I asked confused. "Who's your mom?" Asked the nurse. "Dr.Wood." I said getting paler as I felt more and more like I was going to be sick. "Page. Dr.Wood." She said not looking at me once. When my mom walking in the room she looked confused. "What's happening in here?" She asked hugging me. "I woke up to them telling me I'm moving floors." I said with little breathe. "You're not moving floors, I don't know where you got that information from." My mom spoke directing the last part to the nurse. "It's okay sweetie I'm here now." My mother said to me calmly. I calmed down enough to eat something. It was small but it was food, not that I wanted to eat but I had to. I stayed in my room and fell asleep again. "Wake up sweetie, it's time for your breathing treatment." My mom spoke rubbing my shoulder lightly. I slowly opened my eyes, whining slightly due to a small pain in my ribs. My mom handed me a nebulizer and I did as instructed, sticking the nebulizer in my mouth. About twenty minutes later she told me I was done and that I would have to do this until my ribs are healed and then I will start a different one that she hasn't told about yet.
Later that day
"You can leave in a few minutes, once your mom signs the paperwork." Dr.Green said smiling slightly. I smiled a little and waved as he walked out of the room. I got my things ready while I waited on my mom to come and take out my IV from my arm. "Okay love bug, I'll take out the IV and then I want you come and do rounds with me." My mom spoke making me freeze in my tracks. "You don't have to talk if you don't want to." She said sighing, I think I've disappointed her with how little I talk. After the IV was out and I put my stuff in her office we started making our way around the floor. The look in some of the patients eyes gave me inspiration to draw.

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