Chapter I

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Green eyes snapped open, blinking rapidly in order to adjust to the sudden change in light. The forest that surrounded them almost deathly silent, the only noise being the occasional chirping of birds.

A small fox skittered over to her, small nose twitching as it tried to make sense of her unusual scent. Sitting up sharply, the fox sprinted away, bushy tail disappearing into the green bushes that lingered around the trunks of trees.

Turning to make sense of her surroundings, the mysterious girl's eyes widened at the path of destruction behind her. The forest definitely shouldn't be in that state, that was a fact that she knew, regardless of whether she knew the forest or not.

Moving away from the destruction, she noticed the slight indentations on the floor, something had gone this way. Something big. Quickening her pace, she began to run, following after whatever had gone through beforehand.

"--I've been waiting to test the full power of this suit on someone!" voices began to make themselves known, the loud shouts becoming roars as winds and electricity began to form in the clearing ahead.

"SPIN ATTACK!" the two fighters came into her sight as she drew nearer and nearer. Stopping just at the treeline to watch over the attack. The larger man donned a black suit and was rapidly spinning his arms, whilst the smaller wore a yellow rubber suit and cape.

Shifting slightly, the cape-wearer latched onto the other man's arms, stopping them dead in their tracks. Raising her eyebrow in surprise, the girl shifted slightly, her muscles tensing in case she needed to make a hasty escape.

"No way! What the hell are you?" suddenly the smaller man jabbed his elbow into his opponent's stomach, the suit shattering instantly upon impact. "Wait! Hold on!"

Now weakened, the larger man's confidence disappeared completely, skittering away nervously in an attempt of self-preservation. A shriek tearing its way out of his throat as he rapidly made 'X's with his arms in a motion of surrender. "I just- I just wanted to get them working, that's all"

"Don't be bad any more, okay?"

"Wait, you mean your not gonna kill me?" his eyes wide, almost in shock at the prospect of walking away from that fight alive. "Get lost, okay?"

"Right! You got it!" then the man raced off, more than eager to get as far away as possible before his opponent changed his mind.

"Right, that's that." the man turned on his heel, ready to leave when another person made an appearance. The girl's eyes instantly landing on the well-hidden figure of his next challenger, "Where did hammerhead wonder off to?"

The caped man stopped in his tracks, turning to look at the cat-suit wearing man behind him, "There's no one here except you"

The caped man spoke up after a moment or two hesitation, "He was heading in that direction, screaming and yelling butt naked." the man was cut off when a kunai was flung at him, halting only to catch the airborne weapon.

"What's this thing?" suddenly, a katana materialised in front of his face, yet again, the man caught the oncoming weapon with ease. "Hey, you got it wrong."

"What have I got wrong?"

"I know how this looks, but I'm not one of the Paradisers."

"You're a terrible liar."

"No, no, no. Don't be stupid. Look at me." the caped man said, his frustration clear in his jerky movements as he flung his arms around in attempt to indicate himself. "I don't really need to. with that bald head, theres no denying it."

"Come on, take a good look at me. I'm the guy who's out being a hero for fun! I'm not a villain" his actions got more and more frantic as he worked himself up. His right arm waving in the ari wildly as his voice got louder. "I''ve never heard of you."

The entire clearing went dead silent at the man's response. The caped 'hero' freezing up entirely in shock "Oh, I see." his previously lively attitude gone in an instant.

"Either way, it doesn't matter to me in the least. You were able to read my attacks two times in a row, that's the real problem. Born in a ninja village I've been honing and perfecting my technique since my earlest days of childhood. Yet you saw right them in an instant, this I cannot permit."

The wind began to pick up as the conversation took a turn, "My pride won't allow it. I don't care who you are, I can't let you simply walk away." the 'ninja' began to move, his high speeds causing him to seemingly appear and disappear to the untrained eye. 

"Oh come on, you just want to try out those honed and perfected moves on me. I can tell by that innocent smile of yours." the man blurred as he picked up the pace, the lines materialising around trees as he bounced around the clearing.

"Uhh, can I go home?" everyone could only watch in horror as the ninja began to fall towards the ground, his legs wide and posed for a kick. But this left him vulnerable for the fist waiting for him. "Checkmate."

Suddenly the ninja and the man came into contact, "Oops, sorry, I --uh-- I didn't do that on purpose, I meant to stop before hitting you. But your momentum carried my fist into your --um--"

The ninja, who'd since darted away from his opponent, let out a small cry of pain as his face twisted and contorted. "Listen, I've worked every job from assassin to bodyguard. I'm the deadly ninja, speed of sound sonic. But for the time being, my work will be on hold, now that I've found such a formidable opponent, I'm dedicating myself to training until we settle this. Let me know your name."

The man's voice became more breathy, his tone wobbling as he stumbled on words. Desperate to get his point across before he gave in to the pain. "It's Saitama."

"Saitama! Next time we meet, it'll be your demise."


"I, Speed of Sound Sonic, the ultimate ninja, will not rest until I have brought you down."

Suddenly, the caped man turned from uncomfortable to confident, his voice deepening as he spoke. "Go train hard."

A third voice seemingly materialised from the treeline, the two men turning to seek out their audience, "As touching as this scene is, if you don't get that treated now, you are going to really feel the consequences, now and when you try and have children."

A girl dropped from one of the trees, her pink hair waving in the wind as her green eyes gleamed. The polished forehead protector glinting in the bright sunlight as she turned to look at them.

"Heya, my names Sakura!"

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