Chapter II

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After healing the ninja, she turned to look at the man in yellow, green eyes scanning his form. "I'm assuming you're okay." Saitama could only nod in agreement, his hesitance to communicate with a possible enemy clear in both his stance and features.

The pair could only watch as the ninja scampered off into the canopy, now his wounds no longer hindered him, he was gone before they could even react. Turning to meet Saitama's eyes, Sakura spoke up.

"Um... so this is going to be a strange question... but I'm new to this world and I was wondering if you could help me out." her hand rubbed the back of her head in nervousness. In all honesty, she had no idea what she would do if he said no, probably turn to a life of crime or something.

"I promise I will be helpful and not a hindrance, and it is only until I get used to this new place--" she was cut off by Saitama speaking up.

"I guess you can stay with me and Genos until you get a place of your own. Anything I need to know about?"

Sakura watched the man carefully, his reluctance to allow her residence was clearly displayed on his face. Shrugging to herself, she shuffled after him, she honestly didn't mind if he didn't really want her with him. As far as she cared, it was a place to sleep for the night.

Saitama smiled to himself slightly, maybe if he had someone else living in his house, Genos would move out. After all, if there were two of them, the blond cyborg may feel less special and leave on his own accord and by the sound of it, Sakura would be leaving herself soon, so it was win-win.

Genos stared at the pink-haired girl who mimicked his actions before yellow eyes shifted to the man beside her as he removed his shoes. "Master, who is this?" Saitama looked at him, face blank as though unwilling to have to deal with him either.

"Genos, this is Sakura, Sakura, this is Genos. Be nice to each other alright? Genos, make her feel welcome, she is going to be staying with us alright?" despite the fact it was technically a question, it was quite clear that this was not an option, but a command of sorts. One that Genos didn't get a say in either.

"Do you want me to make dinner?" Sakura offered, it was quite apparent to her that the pair wanted to discuss something without her, but she didn't like being useless either. "Thank you Sakura." was the only response she got before being pointed in the direction of what she could only assume was the kitchen.

"--I must become stronger because-"


Sakura winced at the volume as she entered the living room in which Genos and Saitama were at the moment. Genos' words sounding incredibly similar to those of Sasuke Uchiha. "The incidents of today made me aware of a serious problem and I'm reeling from shock."

"A serious problem, for somebody as great as you are? But what could it possibly be? Please, tell me." They went silent for the briefest of seconds and Sakura was tempted to step inside with the tray of food in her hands when Saitama spoke up once more.

"No-one knows who I am." Sakura held back a laugh at Genos' genuinely surprised gasp and Saitama's apparent worry. 

"It's been right around three years since I first became a hero. I've defeated a lot of monsters and evil organisations during that time. Come to think of it, I can't think of any other hero who's doing as much as me, not even close. Everyone in the world should know my name by now. I mean, isn't it kind of weird that I don't have any fans or anything? 

"You know what he said to me today? Never heard of you. Never. And on top of that, everyone in town thought I was one of those terrorists. They've forgotten how I beat all those monsters and all that other stuff I've done for them."

With a deep breath, Sakura knocked gently on the door, deciding this may be a good time to enter. The pair snapped left to look at her, giving them a shaky smile, she stepped over to the low lying desk. The tray rattling gently as she placed it on the wooden surface. "I made ramen if that's okay with you two."

The familiar smell of the meal was one that Sakura simply couldn't resist, having Naruto on your team certainly made you fall in love with the salty dish. The other two quickly removed their dishes as well before Sakura tucked the tray to the side in order to create extra space for herself.

"Hold on, Master, are you listed with the hero registry?" the pair quickly shuffled to the computer causing Sakura to scowl in annoyance. After working hard on making their food, you'd think they'd eat it. With a scoff, she glanced over the pair's shoulder in order to see what they were looking at, not that she need to, for Saitama began to read it out loud.

"Take a test at any local branch of the hero association. If you score better than the cut of, you will be registered with the hero association and officially be allowed to call yourself a hero. Once officially recognised, you'll be deemed a pro and will be paid for your work through donations collected by the association. 

"All the heroes in the public eye are officially registered, accredited and professional. You may be doing plenty of hero work, but if you're only a self-proclaimed hero, you're really just some weirdo."

"You're really just some weirdo spouting nonsense and viewed with great suspicion. It says." Saitama dropped his head from its resting spot on his hands. "I had no clue. So Genos, are you registered?"

"No, should I be?" Saitama and Genos simply turned to look at the pink-haired girl who remained at the table, quietly eating. "What about you Sakura?" the pink-haired girl swallowed before speaking, "Nope."

"Hey, let's sign up, go register with me and I'll make you my official disciple. You too Sakura."

"Sounds like a plan." Genos agreed energetically.

"Sure, I haven't anything better to do," Sakura replied, more hesitant in her response, but her words were true, if she wanted to move out, she'd need a job, and here, she had no qualifications.

"Then it's decided, now, let's eat."

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