Part 17

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The next Morning at The studio Leon saw Vilu Sitting all alone, He thought of How mutch he Loved Her and that he missed her no matter how mad he is, even if she did hurt him alot and that he feelt like He can't trust her anymore, he had becomed calmer now and do realisse that maybe this was his fault, If he Just had trusted her and Told her about Leo in the first Place this would never had happened, But still I'm verry dissepointed that she couldn't see the diference between me and Leo... After a while of thinking I desigded to go to Vilu, I did and as she saw me she got a small smile on her face, I asked If I can sit beside her, and she said yes, after a while of sitting there Vilu said "I hope you know how sorry I'm, I hurted you verry mutch, and myself to, I did something verry bad that Is the biggest Mistake of my life, I didn't think clear and it hurted you verry mutch, I undersstand if you won't forgive me but pleas let me tell you that I do Love you with all my heart, I want no one else and I can't Live without you. she start cry of the thought that I won't be in her life anymore, As she cry I hugged her, and said that "Violetta, I do forgive you, and I love you also with my whole heart, Our trust for each other won't be the same, but you and me have get through so mutch together that this Little misstake is nothing, Time will heal and soon all this will be forgotten". As I had said it she told me how mutch she loves me and that she will do everything in her power to make things go back to Normal.
I Layed My arm around her as we were thinking how to repair what had happened, After a while I start acting a little more comfterball and romantic towards her, me laying my arm around her turned into alot of cuddeling and kissing between us, Soon we started make out, I start to remember all the good things that had happened between us, Of all the good memories, How I love her kisses, How her smile can light up my whole day, How I wanted to start a familly with her, and I won't Let any Stupid Mistake take her away, She want me and I want her, She only gonna be gone if I let her, but I won't, she will be mine forever!

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