I hate...

24 7 0

I cannot breathe by
Just thinking about it.
Feeling wanted to meet
Succes to get to know
About what it means to
Be the winner of the show
To all the losers who are
Also known as the people
Of tomorrrow or yesterday.
Hating myself to be a fool
To be a stupid puppet
I hate my life as everybody
Hell and i am already met.
The world is eating me inside out
With its hatred and evilness.
Everything is going wrong
That is why i love listening to this song
A song about full of beats
Which doesn't match with lyrics
The beats made it to a big hit
Hating is more easier than loving
And i just need wings for flting
From all the hate and love
Just need peace and happiness
But i know i have to face
This cruel world of my nightmares.

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