Chapter 1

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Harry- I look around wide eyes within the cage when I heard a familiar voice a front 'oh no it's the Malfoy's ' I thought (Harry's fifteen)

Lucius- "Hello, I was wondering if my son could get a familiar please?"

Claire- I smile "what are you interested, dear?"

Draco- "A cat please"

Claire- I smile clapping my hands together "good choice we just got a new cat in the other day, poor thing he just wandered into the place but we checked him over his a bit malnourished and a bit abused but he's perfectly fine and healthy other than that" I go out back taking the one year old black cat out of the cage "come of dear you are getting a new lovely home"

Harry- I get put into Draco Malfoy's hand for some reason I feel like I can trust him I relax purring

Claire- "oh my he has never done that with anyone else tried him with others the other day and he good scares and tried scratching them but I got him in time, I am glad he seems to be taking a liking to so"

Draco- I smile stroking the young cat "I am going to call you Hadrian" I turn looking at father "thank you very much father"

Lucius- I smile nodding "your welcome son" I turn to the shop keeper "how much for him"

Claire- "three gallons, please"

Lucius- I nod handing over gallons "thank you"

Claire- I smile nodding "have a brilliant day"

Lucius- we flooed home "Draco why don't you show Hadrian too your room, going to see if your mother is still enjoying her self outside having a cup of tea as she does her drawings"

Draco- I nod smiling before going up to my room "this is my room"

Harry/Hadrian- I meowl looking around

Draco- I put him down on the bed "do you know you remind me of him so much"

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Draco- I put him down on the bed "do you know you remind me of him so much"

Hadrian- I meowl tilting my head

Draco- I chuckle sitting down  "Harry his name is Harry Potter, I have liked him well practically forever but the first time I saw him I couldn't take my eyes of him and I made the wrong move I got nervous and became a right ideot of a jerk I practically couldn't control my self at all I was a mess and made a mess at that now he hates me I wish he didn't I wish I was more control of my nervousness that day and hopefully we could of been friends of something hopefully" I say sighing at the end

Hadrian- I meow crawling onto his lap hearing a soft giggle come from him as he started stroking me making me start to purr again 'of this feels so good'

Draco- I chuckled as he turns onto his lap "Dobby!?" (Draco still owns him but he was freed from only Lucius but Dobby wasn't connected to lucius but Draco himself so it didn'tget him much anywhere)

Dobby- I pop into the room smiling "Hello, Dobby I was wondering if you could get some food for me and my familiar"

Dobby- 'Harry what are you doing here and as a cat'

Hadrian- 'I don't know how it happened it just did'

Dobby- 'you not here to hurt him are you'

Hadrian- 'of course I am not both emotional and physical, he is quiet cute of course'

Dobby- I smile 'good because he has been through to much I believe hurting him will only turning him back to doing what he was doing before'

Hadrian- 'what do you mean?'

Dobby- 'Draco last year was how do you put this starving him self and ermm I shouldn't be telling you this, well he was suicidal and was also cutting'

Hadrian- I meowl sadly 'I promise you I won't hurt him after all I like him back I know all about hurting your self as well as my family abuseing, cutting, burning a part of me and more trust me I know how it is to be suicidal not because of them but also because of my self and know that as well as nearly jumped off the tower at night in third year but Snape caught me and talked me out of it before I could do it ever since then I have been chatting to him about feeling every sunday night even was writing everything do still do but I guess stuck like this I can't maybe it will do both me and Draco some good'

Dobby- I smile sadly 'I hope so too' I say before smiling cheerfully "he is quiet handsome Draco just like Harry"

Draco- I smile cheerfully "I thought so too first time I saw the little guy, even called him Hadrian I am glad Father thought it was a great idea to finally get a familiar to keep me at company at all times"

Dobby- I nod "it's good to see you happy Draco"

Draco- I smile sadly "me to"

Dobby- I nod before popping away getting the food for them



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