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"I take it you're not going on the train with us?" Hermione asked, causing me to jump slightly. I hadn't heard her coming up the stairs or open the door. I turned and looked at her, offering her a slight smile. I was still in the overly large t-shirt, but I had unstrapped my arm to my side for better mobility. Her eyes were locked on the bandages. 

"No," I sighed, shaking my head sadly. "He was not very happy with what happened. I think he doesn't want me to be out of his sight for a while. He says it's because I'm grounded for not telling him about Sirius, but I honestly think it's because of what happened with Lupin."

"He really did want to say good-bye to you before he left, but you just hadn't woken up yet," she said, sitting on the floor next to me to help fold my clothes. I had already set aside the robes I would wear tonight, and I would probably just wear what I was wearing to bed and home in the morning. "So, are you going to be alright?"

"Madam Pomfrey does not see any issue with full moons in my near future," I assured, stacking my books neatly in the corner of my trunk. I bit my lip and looked at Hermione, wondering if I should tell her about what Lupin had sent me. 

"Did anyone tell you the official story?" she asked, glancing up at me. 

"Yeah, Madam Pomfrey did," I said, nodding. "Severus filled in the blanks. I don't know what actually happened, though I have an idea."

"Doubt it's correct," she snorted, packing my cauldron away with my socks in it. There was a strange look on her face though.

"Wouldn't have anything to do with the Time Turner, would it?" I risked a glance at her, catching the fear on her face. "Thought so."

"I was so afraid when I saw you," she admitted, her shoulders slumping. "I guess I'm happy it was you and not anyone else."

"I did my research on them when you told me you had one." I stopped folding my clothes and looked out the window at the sun. "So, how did Sirius actually get away. I think that pissed Severus off the most."

"On Buckbeak. Harry insisted, but Snape looked like he was about to have kittens."

"He probably blames Sirius for what happened to me. Maybe more then he blames Lupin."

"I was honestly surprised when I saw the two of them talking before he left the grounds."

"Wait, what?" I asked, startled. 

"Snape was in Lupin's office about an hour before he left. They were talking fast and low, Snape looked worried and angry at the same time. I tried to hear what it was about, but Snape caught me in the doorway and said a few last words to him before storming away."

"I wonder what it was about," I muttered, returning to my packing. 

"I heard the words "father" and "stepfather"," she murmured, sending me a look. "Ringing any bells?"

"Severus won't tell me who my stepfather is," I admitted, trying to sound like it didn't bother me, but she saw through it. "I have so many more questions about what happened then I did before. Unfortunately, I'm sure Severus got to everyone who can answer them."

"Do you think it's "B"?"

"It has to be," I agreed, smiling down at my ring. "I just wish I knew why he wasn't here with me." I didn't say anything about Severus saying he was a top conspirator, because there were already too many strikes against me. I didn't know how many more she could take before breaking. 

"Maybe it's for the best," she whispered, not meeting my eyes. "Peter said he was a cruel man."

"But he loved me, doted on me," I protested. "Surely someone like that can't be all evil."

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