First day

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I'm so excited I passed the test and am going to be a teacher. I mean the test was a bit hard but you know what they say 'if you think the test is easy then you're doing it wrong'. I don't think its true because I thought some of it was easy because I knew almost everything on that test.


Beep, beep, beep.

I lazily lifted my hand and slammed it on my alarm. God I hated that touring device. But then I remembered that today I was gonna be a teacher. I'm not lying when I say this but I literally jumped out of bed and ran to my shower.

I covered myself with strawberry scented shampoo, conditioner and soap. I put on so much conditioner until my hair felt soft. I put on this blue dress, which made my green eyes stand out, and just let my hair loose on my back. I curled the tips of my hair. I put on black flats and walked to my classroom.

I felt so nervous. I was told I was teaching 10th grade so that made even more nervous because I wasn't much of a social bug and still am not. I wondered if people wouldn't like a 10th grader, that has the brains of Einstein, teaching a 10th grade class.

I went to the empty desk and started to decorate it. I planned on just have the class get to know each other, well they knew each other so it would be so I knew them. I looked the list of kids I was seeing first. I read the list and then a familiar name popped up,Allison. I shook it off and kept reading the list. I saw Alec Ryder's name, I had a huge crush on him but he would never like me back or even talk to me. He's one of the popular kids. I was just a normal kid who got through school just fine. I don't even think anybody knew my name. I was invisible.

I had 20 minutes before class started so I put on some lip gloss. Then I went to put some paper in the low file drawer. I didn't want to squat so I just bent over. The paper won't want to go in the darn thing so it felt like I was taking an hour to put the papers in.

Then I felt a hand touch my back, right above my butt. I didn't jump like the movies I just froze, well actually I was tense. I saw this face next to the drawer and saw it was none other than Alec Ryder.

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