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Kangaroochan- look at my child xáxá (❤️)View more comments
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Woobear- xá was hyper so I had to take a photo 😂realxá- Hyung whyyyy
Kangaroochan- awww he's adorable
Aussielix- haha
MinMin- I remember that, he was running around with I.N
-dessert Fox- hey
-SeunGminnn- haha
Hyunjinn- yeah Jisung gave him sugar
-squirrel- hey you weren't supposed to tell
-Hyunjinn- whoopsrealxá
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realxá- hey have some photos of me that Jisung-Hyung took of me
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Stray kids 10th member *discontinued*
FanficWhat would happen if Stray kids had a 10th member? Meet Im Jae-hyun (This description sucks I know)