Why I Love Twilight Sparkle

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Twilight Sparkle is a super duper awesome pony! I'm getting that out of the way now, 'cause she's the greatest. I can't explain it very much, but there's something about her that makes me want to do stuff I shouldn't. Like, sometimes in the middle of the night I want to go over to her house and eat cupcakes with her! Or, sometimes when I make a new kind of treat I want her to be the one who tries it first!

Okay, maybe I'm being a little too silly right now, but it's the truth! When I sang that song for Twilight while I was trying to get the other ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala, I really meant it! She is the cutest pony ever, but I don't think she knows it. I'm surprised nopony has ever asked her out on a date! I mean, I know I would totally go on a date with her, 'cause everything about her makes her even more adorable.

The very first thing I can think of is how she's not very good with social stuff. I don't know why, but she's so cute when she doesn't know what to say or is getting nervous. Especially from the things I do! Those are always the best moments. But still, every chance I get to be with Twilight is great.

Oh, I think I forgot to mention it, but I love Twilight! She's so amazing... I fell for her the first time I'd seen her! All I knew about her was how beautiful her coat and mane was, and that she was new in town. I really wanted to get to know her more, and make sure she got friends, so I threw her a party! Everypony likes those. Anyway, if she knew how I normally acted like, she'd have been able to notice that I was acting weird. I was talking a lot faster than normal (which is pretty hard) and I wasn't at the party games. Instead, I was following her around and trying to talk to her, but she didn't want to. The best part about that party though, was when Twilight drank the hot sauce! I think it tastes pretty good, but she didn't have a very big tolerance to it.

I think I'm getting a little carried away. Heh, the look on her face was just too funny that I couldn't help myself... Where was I? Oh yeah, why I love Twilight!

She's an adorable little bookworm and a smartypants. And I'm not referring to her doll (I wish Big Mac hadn't taken it; I wanted to keep her). I love to hear her use those big words that don't really make any sense, and what's even better is when she starts getting into telling me about one of her favorite books. She gets so happy about it, and there's no way I could ever, ever, ever take that away on purpose.

Speaking of which, the best thing about her is that smile! It makes me feel super duper warm inside, even more than when anypony else smiles. I don't know how she does it, but when she grins it makes me melt inside. Sometimes I wonder if I'm getting sick or something, 'cause if something was melting inside of me that would be really bad. But yeah... I'd do anything to see that smile.

Twilight can be such a silly filly sometimes! I remember that time when she was freaking out about not getting a friendship report to the Princess on time... It's not a very happy memory, though. I thought she was just being silly, but I should've known better... Twilight went all crazy and cast a spell on almost everypony in town, and Princess Celestia almost took her away! I was so scared that she'd have to go back to Canterlot, and it would've been my fault! I could've come up with something—I should've helped her with some sorta friendship problem! I was a bad friend...

But everything worked out okay in the end. Twilight got to stay, and everypony had to write friendship reports to the Princess. There was this other time that Twilight got visited by her future self and she thought that something really bad was going to happen. I learned from before to take her worries seriously, so I did! We got to wear these super cool spy costumes, and Twi looked really different. Not in a bad way, though. The new mane style was a little cute, I have to admit!

But when she cast the 'go back in time' spell, I was kind of scared. I kept thinking, What if she doesn't come back? And the longer it took, the more nervous I felt. My tummy was full of butterflies I didn't even know could get in there! But the second I saw Twilight, I was so happy she was still there with me. It was one of the greatest feelings ever in the history of Equestria.

Actually, there is one thing that could be able to top that off. If I knew that Twilight for surely sure had feelings for me, that would be the greatest feeling ever in the history of Equestria. I kind of have a little hunch right now, 'cause she is acting a little weird around me. I'm not sure if she's noticed that I've been walking closer to her, or that I'm hugging her more often, but I can tell that she's laughing a little more. Sometimes, if I look long enough, her face even turns a little bit more purple! It's a funny looking sight—and I can't help but laugh! I mean, it's so cute, but I'm positive it's a blush. I'm not entirely sure what that means though, so I haven't made any sort of move yet. If I did anything too suddenly, she'd get scared and might not want to be my friend anymore, so I have to take it slow.

I think I'm ranting now. But I don't really care that much, because that's what I always do. Even so, I talk even more when I'm with Twilight. What's really super weird though, is how much she's in my head! I have dreams with her in them, and she's always in my thoughts somewhere. Sometimes I think she might've accidentally cast a spell on herself and got pulled into my mind or something, so I end up rushing over to her library only to find her still there! It's really weird. Sometimes I'll be so distracted while thinking about her that I'll forget that the Cakes wanted me to do something. I'll feel really bad and get on to doing whatever it is I needed to be doing, but then I'll start thinking about her again.

You know what's a lot of fun? I kind of mentioned it earlier, but I didn't really say it. Hugging Twilight is lots of fun. Not just for her reaction, but because she's super soft, warm, and smells nice. I can't tell what it is she smells like, but I think it's the best scent ever. Even better than the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness, or 'MMMM' for short. Oh yeah, it was also a lot of fun to be a detective with Twilight as my lowly assistant. I totally solved that mystery all by myself! Mostly.

There's a bunch more I love about Twilight. Like that totally awesome pink streak in her mane, and her really pretty purple eyes, and even how she's not so good with skating. I remember how she kept falling onto the ice, and I really just wanted to hold her up and help her learn how to skate! I think I should do that next Winter Wrap Up, actually... I mean, wouldn't that be fun? She'd have to depend on Pinkie Pie, and I could "sweep her off her hooves," like Rarity always says. Except I'll actually be doing it.

Hold on, I gotta go write this one down so I don't forget it, 'cause I don't really get good ideas all that often. Let's see... I could sweep her off her hooves, do a little skating and out of nowhere do a dip, stare into her sparkly eyes, and tell her how I feel! And, and, maybe if it goes well I could even kiss her. That would be just absolutely perfect! I wonder what she tastes like...?

I'm not sure if I can ever tell her how I feel, though. Ponyville's an awesome place, but not everypony thinks mares should like other mares. I'm not sure about Twilight's own thoughts on that, but I know that she'd never give up our friendship! Right now, I'm okay with just being friends with her anyway. I think I'll just wait for a while and watch her, maybe give her a few signs that I'm interested. I have to make sure that she cares that way before doing anything else, so I don't accidentally ruin everything!

Huh? I haven't really answered it yet? I've been telling you why this whole time! Okay, I'll say it in a couple of sentences, right? Well, I love Twilight Sparkle because she's the most perfect-est pony ever and she makes me feel really nice inside. She's the opposite of who I am, so if we were put together we'd make the perfect pony! At least, I think so. When we're together, I could move mountains and do anything.

And that's why I love Twilight Sparkle!

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