Let's Be Twinkies!

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Winter Wrap Up was as stressful as it always was. The pegasi lost track of some storm clouds, somepony misplaced the grass seeds, and Pinkie Pie had caused some of the ice patches to spontaneously combust. Accidentally or not, it was a wonder she didn't burst into flames herself. Not even Pinkie could figure out how that had happened.

But finally, the day had come to a successful end, and winter was wrapped up. Everypony had done their part and were ready to relax. Pinkie Pie was corralling all the tired ponies and trying to get them to Sugarcube Corner, where they could have a good time. Some ponies went home anyway, but most wanted to get their hooves on some of the Apple family's famous cider Pinkie always seemed to have.

The bearers of the elements were still outside, though.

"Hey, uh, you guys go on ahead of me," Rainbow Dash said, scratching the back of her head. "I just need to go grab something."

Rainbow Dash winked in a painfully obvious manner towards Rarity, who nodded. The pegasus took off before anypony could object.

"That was weird!" Pinkie noted with a giggle. Applejack rose an eyebrow.

"I wonder what's gotten into her," Fluttershy said, worry clear in her tone. Rarity shrugged, a stretched smile on her face. Spike, from atop Twilight's back, looked a little nervous too.

"I'm sure there's no need to fret; she'll be along soon," Rarity said. "Why don't we join the party?"

"Yeah, come on, ponies!" Pinkie exclaimed as she ushered all her friends through the swinging doors. She took extra care to make sure one of her hooves was on Twilight specifically.

Once inside, all the ponies dispersed into the different activities they wanted to take part in. Applejack went over to join the apple cider drinking contest some stallions were hosting, Fluttershy was bombarded by little fillies who wanted to play Pin the Tail on the Pony with her, and Rarity disappeared into the crowd, presumably to gossip. Spike followed after her.

Pinkie reached over as if to hug Twilight, but the unicorn rejected it. "Not now, Pinkie," she whispered harshly. "There are a lot of other ponies here..."

Pinkie Pie pouted. "Come on, Twi, nopony's even paying attention... And a hug isn't that big of a deal."

"Maybe later, okay? There really are a lot of ponies here. I don't even recognize some of them..." Twilight squinted at the guests, and recognized some ponies she used to go to class with back in Canterlot. She knew for a fact they didn't live here in Ponyville. "Pinkie? Seriously, what's—"


Luna bounded into Sugarcube Corner with a huge grin, and a few ponies stopped their activities to turn and look. Twilight felt slightly embarrassed about the princess' overly casual entrance. Luna waved at Twilight, still smiling, before getting pulled into the drinking contest Applejack was taking part in.

She didn't seem to have any problem with it.

"What's wrong, Twilight?" Pinkie asked, nudging Twilight in the side with her muzzle. Twilight shook her head before turning to her marefriend.

"Some of the ponies here aren't from Ponyville. I think I even saw Shining Armor and Cadence somewhere!"

"You're just being silly, Twi. I can go get a drink for you, if you'd like—"

"Look! Like I said, they're right there!" Twilight pointed a hoof straight at her brother and sister-in-law, who happened to be at the snack table. There was no mistaking who they were.

"I invited them over! It isn't a problem, right?" Pinkie replied, a nervous smile on her face. Twilight was starting to grow suspicious, especially once she saw her own parents at the party. Something weird was going on here.

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