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Me and Megan jumped on hearing the thunderous growl.

I could even see birds flying off the tree and cute little rabbits running away.

My eyes trailed over Lukas.

A very.... shirtless Lukas.

He was heaving, eyes pitch black. He kept growling as he stalked towarda me with large strides.

One second I am nicely sitting and talking about my cute little tree whom Nate drowned and the very next minute, I am thrown over a shoulder.

For Eff sake! I am not a bloody potato sack.

I kicked and punched Lukas. "Hey! You flapdoodle! Put me down!"

Lukas slapped my butt. "Keep that behaviour going and I will spank you thirty times."

I gasped and covered my mouth. Both because of the shock and nausea.

"Ha! You can try you wolf-head. I will kick your wolf ass down"

I cleared my throat. "But before that. Could you please put my ass down?"


"So who is Carl?" Lukas dumped me on the bed and hovered over me.

I sighed sadly and stared off at the distance. "He was my first love. He was so fresh! Every time I looked at him, I was reminded that why we all are able to live and breathe in oxygen. He was so cute-"

He pounced on me.


He bloody ponced on me, bloody crushing me.

"Oomph! Lukas! What is wrong with you?!" I shrieked trying to slither away.

"No! You are mine. Mine!" He put me on a lock down. Both of his hands clutched my wrists, slamming them on to of my head. He buried his head in the crook of my neck inhaling frantically.

"Tell me darling, where the fuck is Carl right now. I cant wait to tear him apart piece by piece and then- Wait are you crying?!"

I shook my head as tears gathered in my eyes and I thrashed in his arms trying to get away from him.

He pulled me up and placed me on his lap. "Shhh... Baby please dont cry. I am so sorry. Please dont cry." He rocked me back and forth in my arms.

I punched his chest, nearly breaking my knuckles. "Why do you all want to kill my Carl?!"

I pushed him. It didnt move him but my hands hurt. I ignored the embarrasing moment and continued.

"Why would you even think of doing that to him?! He was a sweet little innocent green being! He was so-"

"Wait Green being?" Lukas looked confused.

I glared at him. "Ofcourse green! And dont cut me-"

"Which species exactly did Carl belong to?"

I glared at him again, resisting the urge to fling the lamp on the bedside table on him.

"He was a very cute little herbaceous plant! Now if you will let me conti-"

"Plant?! He was a plant?"

I give up. I gave up resisting my urge and reached for the lamp beside.

Lukas widened his eyes and pulled me back. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What now?!" I huffed. Blowing a fringe.

He laughed and buried his face in my neck again. His shoulders rumbled as he laughed.

"Carl is a plant!" He sounded ecstatic.

I nodded while frowning. "Ofcourse he is a plant. Now wil you tell me why would you want to kill him?"

He shook his head and smiled at me. "I am so sorry darling. I would never want to kill plants. I would love to meet him even!"

I planted my face on his chest "You cant do that."

"Why not?" comfusion was clear in his voice.

"Because that dumb brother of mine drowned him!"


"So now you wont reject me?" Nate opened his arms and ran to Megan.

We all were sitting next to a bonfire. Aaron slept in my arms and I sat in Lukas' arms as we watched a show unfold before us.

Should have brought popcorn.

Megan rolled his eyes and slanpped his hands. "No. But I am sure as hell punishing you."

Do all werewolfs have a fetish of punishing their mates?!

Nate frowned "Why would you do that?" He pouted at her.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Because you drowned poor little Carl! How could you?"

Nate looked horrified.

Megan winked at me and I grinned at her.

"Best sister in law ever!"


Carl: *Floating in heaven*

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