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I hold Zeroth as Zenith puts on a pair of shorts. He's grabs a shirt, putting it on, hiding the scars that litter his body. His stomach has a pudge from when he was pregnant. I miss the roundness of it. He just might stay pregnant.

Getting done with dressing, he walks over to me. Kissing my cheek, he takes Zeroth fron my arms. I wrap my arm around his waist, and we walk to the door. Opening the door, I let them go out first.

Closing the door, I wrap my arms around them again, before we walk down the stairs. Getting to the bottom, we turn left into the livingroom.

The pack is all in there. Seeing ud the packmates that are sitting on tge couch, gets up for Zenith and Zeroth.

When he sits down the pack surrounds them, wanting to see their future Alpha King. I let them as I lean against the door frame.

I watch as Zenith talks with his pack. He's smiling, and laughing as he listens to the stories of the pack members. He's so carefree. It warms me to know that he will never knoe the hardships of life. I'll shield him from everything.

"Your mate and child are gorgeous." A voice whispers in my ear from behind me. Turning my head I see the perfect face of Poseidon, my grandfather.

His black as night hair flows to his shoulders. His black eyes are warm and gentle. He stands taller than me, but that is to be expected.

I turn back to my mate and son. "It's good to see you grandfather."

"Why so formal, grandson?" He puts his hand on my shoulder. "I remember when you would call me papa."

I turn to him, seeing him in the eyes. "I have grown."

"It makes me sad. I don't want my grandson to grow up. But I can't change that." He smiles a sad smile. "So tell me grandson, how does it feel to be a father?"

I feel a smile cross my face. "It's the best feeling in the world."

"It is." He smiles. "Now introduce me to your mate and son."

I walk over to Zenith and Zeroth. The pack parting. Zenith is oblivious to the attention of my grandfather, for he's busy with an awake Zeroth.

I sit down, getting his attention. "Love, my grandfather is here."

He perks up, turning his head to Poseidon. Shock fulls his face. "Xenon looks so much like you."

Grandfather chuckles. "Hello Zenith. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Zenith stands with Zeroth, holding out his hand, grandfather meets him. Shaking hands. "As is a pleasure to meet you, sir."

Pulling away, grandfather shakes his head. "None of that sir business. We are family now."

Grandfather looks down at Zeroth. "You and my grandson makes beautiful children." He holds out his hands. "May I hold him?"

Zenith nods before handing Zeroth over to him. Grandfather holds him gently in his arms. Zeroth looks up at him, his eyes wide open.

"He's a beautiful baby." Grandfather looks at Zenith, before handing him back to him.

"So introduce me to the rest of the family." Grandfather smiles at Zaya and Kenith.

"Hello King Poseidon." Zaya steps up and hugs him. She pulls away. "I'm Zaya."

"And I'm Kenith." He steps up beside his mate.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." Grandfather shakes hands with Kenith.

"Please sit." Zaya motions for hin to sit in the chair. He does so.

"I have come with news." Grandfather looks at everyone. "I have decided that this war has gone on long enough. "I will be wiping out the Indian Army."

"Why now, why not when it started?" Ask Zenith.

"You see Zenith the reason was..."


MUAHAHAHAHA that was plain evil of me!!!

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