Chapter four

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"Honey what happened to you?" My mom asked as I stepped into the house.
"Nothing....I'm fine" I said
"The nurse called earlier today. She said you passed out at school" she said
"It was a minor accident mother" I said in a bored and uninterested voice.
"Allison what is going on with you, you barely come out of your room. You prefer to be locked up in that stuffy place all day and I'm starting to think you're becoming depressed" she said making me roll my eyes.
"Don't be so dramatic, you wouldn't know a depressed person if they looked you in the face" I said
"I'm just looking out for....." she started
"I don't need looking out for mother, I'm done with this conversation" I spat as I walked upstairs ignoring her begs to tell her what was wrong with me.
Immediately I got to my room, I flung my bag on the bed and changed into some comfortable clothes. I sat at my drawer and started with my assignment when my phone buzzed.
Beth: Hey Ali what are you up to?
Me: Nothing really, just doing my assignment
Beth: oh. I and the others want to go out for ice cream. You can join if you want.
Me: thanks but I'll pass.
Beth: okay see you tomorrow then
I carried on with my assignment till I fell asleep.
"Wake up!" Fred said poking me.
"Ugh get the hell out" I said
"You're gonna be late!" He yelled shaking my body.
Sometimes I wondered the kind the siblings I had.
"Come back after an hour or two" I said attempting to push him away from me.
"It's almost eight" he said
Hearing this I jumped out of bed. I had a quick shower, careful not to touch my bandaged cheek then I rushed out. I wore a hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans then I paired it with some black vans then I walked out while putting my hair in a bun. Like usual, mom, dad, Ariana and Fred were already at the table.
"Morning mom, dad" I said
I grabbed a plate of toasted muffins and some milky chocolate then started eating.
Mom stared at me for a long time before speaking
"How's your cheek?" She asked
"It's fine" I said trying my best not to sound rude.
There was silence before she spoke again.
"I'm just worried about you" she said making me roll my eyes.
Honk honk. My bus sounded
"I should go" I said, grabbed my book bag and walked out of the house.
When I got into the house, to say that people were looking at me in disgust was an understatement. They looked at me with pure resentment. I ignored them and walked to the back of the bus. Then I listened to some music before we arrived at school.
I arrived at my locker only to meet a smiling Beth.
"Someone's happy" I said
"Yeah, Harvey just asked me out" she squealed
"What?" I asked just to be sure my ears were not deceiving me.
"Harvey..." she started
"Did you say yes?" I asked not caring if I interrupted her or not.
"Yeah, I mean he's hot and why not?" I asked
"And also a bully...." I muttered not loud enough for her to hear though.
The bell rang
"See you at lunch" she smiled and walked away. 
I grabbed my books and was about walking to class when a strong hand grabbed my wrist
"Leave me alone Harvey" I said making contact with his hard torso.
"Cmon princess, now that your best friend is my girlfriend, you're gonna have to be nicer" he snarled slapping me.
"I hate you!" I yelled.
"Hate all you want princess, I'll still bully you and there's nothing you can do about it" he said slapping me once again.
"You're so pathetic, no one cares about you. You are so darn ugly. I wonder why Beth hangs around you anyways. You're like dead weight she's forced to carry around"he snapped and kicked me.
"That's not true" I said but failing miserably to get out of his grip.
"You know deep down that it is. The only reason she's not popular is because she hangs out with you. I mean look at her, she's so pretty and have you seen her ass. You? You're just a slob your friend a are being forced to carry around" he said and with that he walked away leaving me in the quiet hallway.
Lunch time came and I made my way to my usual table. Everyone was at the table, including Harvey, sucking faces with Beth. I gagged before taking a seat.
Dylan gave me a concerned look before returning to his plate.  
"Hey Allison, when did you get here?" Beth asked with swollen red lips.
"When you were......busy" I said
"Okay, Harvey this is Allison, Allison, meet Harvey." She smiled.
Harvey faked a smile as he stretched out his hand for me to take.
I ignored him and continued eating.
"The least you could do is to be polite." He smirked.
"Oh sorry, PLEASE get your hand away from my face."
"C'mon, Allison, be nice" Beth urged. 
"I'm not shaking that hand sweetie" I said offering a fake smile.
"Allison can I talk to you for a bit?" Dylan asked, leaving the cafeteria while I followed behind.
"What's going on?" He asked
"What is going on is that Harvey is using Beth to spite me" I said through gritted teeth.
"What?" Dylan asked
"Yeah, and the worst part is that Beth has actual feelings for that jerk ward" I said
"Then tell her the truth" he said
"I don't want to bother her" I said
"Bother her?" Dylan asked
"Yeah" I said
"Why would you think that something this serious is going to bother her?" He asked
"Because Harvey said I'm a slob Beth's forced to drag around" I said
"And you listened to him? Allison this guy we're talking about is a bully, he'll say anything to make you feel bad about yourself." Dylan said.
"You sure?" I asked
"Yeah" He said as he kissed my forehead.
"Now let's get back to the cafeteria before people think that something is going on" he said as we both made our way back to the cafeteria.

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