Chapter 12

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Harry's P.O.V

"Harry you can't do that!"

"Why not?"

"Because you're cheating. Wait till it's your turn."

"But I want that house."

"Well too bad so sad. Give me the dice."





A smirked was plastered on my face as I saw the look of irretation in Melanie's eyes . We've been playing a game of Monopoly for about half and hour

and I've been nothing but a cheating bastard. I know how to play the game . Its just that I like to work on Melanie's nerves , but I have a feeling those nerves 

were enough worked on by the look she was giving me 

It was a killer look 

I chuckle to myself at the lame joke I made . Melanie raises an eyebrow

"You're laughing to yourself cause?" She asked with a voice that pretty much sounded like she was having some assumptions that I'm a bit deranged. 

I wouldn't blame her.

"No i'ts just that the look you were giving me was a -killer- look."  I say and slightly chuckle at the end again.

"Harry that doesn't make any sense."

"Yes it does."

"No it doesn't."

"It makes sense 'cause I'm the killer and you're the innocent one ,but now  you were giving -me- the killer look while I was acting  innocent ."

Her jaw dropped as I told her.  

"It was not a killer look!" She protested

"Yes it was." I argue back. It was definitely a killer look,

"I know what a killer look , looks like and it was not a killer look."

"Then what does a killer look , look like?"

"You know , you do it all the time that's how I know what it looks like." She said sounding like it was my fault that the 'killer look' got made or shaped

or whatever

"I don't make the killer look!"

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