The "hope"ful turn

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It was pitch black..... then..
Started to have memories of My past relationships with Sebastian and memories with my mom especially when I first went sledding and when I first kissed a boy or how Mg saved me from being hit by a Car going the wrong way or how he kissed me under the mistletoe one Christmas but I slapped him why? Was it because I was with Sebastian?

Why was I thinking that? Of all things

*gasps for Air*

"Where am I how am I here?" I said

"I had no choice you would have died." Mg said.

Mg was a vampire my favorite memory was at the dance he knew everything I liked even my favorite song guess that was his vampire charm he saved me multiple times this year even from being attacked in town he gave me his blood but I was fine can't say I am now.

"I had this odd dream that I was eating people and weird memories". "Am I dead?" I then said

"Sorta." Mg said

"Where's Josie?" "Is she okay?" I said

"Calm down your shaking the whole house." Mg said laughing

"Is she okay Mg?" I said shaking him

"Yes she is Penelope uh saved her brought her from the brink of death she didn't realize that Josie was already stronger than you."he said angrily

"Why do you look like that?" I said worried

"It's nothing you need to feed you got a couple hours and um." He said

"Um what?" I said

"If you don't feed and complete the transition of a vampire then you will die." He said

"Oh my god I have to go!" "I won't be able to go out in the daylight and to pageant's again won't be able to do any cute tans or enjoy the outdoors anymore." I said

"We are working on that now." Mg said smiling.

*Someone knocks on the door*

"Come in." Mg says willingly

"Hope what are you doing here aren't you suppose to be with my dad or Landon?" I said

"Nope I made this for you took all evening but I got it." She said

"It's just a ring?" "Where'd you get it from your dad it looks awfully old like he was too bad he's not here." I said

*growling noises started to appear*

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that don't think you meant to." "Now try it on." She said.

"It's actually not bad." "Im sorry I said that." I said

"Her emotions are out of whack." Mg said

"Why are you helping me hope?" I said

"It's the least I can do my father would have done the same." "Plus you've been through a lot." She said


"Wow that was quick." Hope said

"She needs blood go to the Cellar and get some would you hope?" Mg said

"Sure you asked nicely I sure will." She said

"What is taking hope awhile?" Mg said

*Hope vamp speeds into the room*

"Wow your learning your vampire abilities Huh?" Mg said

"Yep I am since I died this year might as well try it out."

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