Fastest man alive

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1 My name is Barry Allen.
I am the fastest man alive.
When I was 11, my mother was murdered.
I saw a ball of lightning.
Inside the lightning there was a man.
He killed my mom.
I swear to god I didn't do this.
- Where's mom? - What happened that night was impossible.
Then an accident made me the impossible.
- [Gasps] - You were in a coma.
- For how long? - Nine months.
Your muscles should be atrophied, but instead they're in a state of cellular regeneration.
I wasn't the only one affected, was I? We've been searching for other meta humans like yourself.
All my life I've wanted to do more.
And the first chance I get to help someone, I screw up.
The good you do must far outweigh the bad.
You're not gonna be in here much longer.
Whoever killed mom, I think I finally have a way to find them.
This is the part where I'm supposed to do the whole intro thingy.
Barry Allen, fastest man alive But you know all that already.
All right, let's get to the good stuff.
You see that smoke? That's a fire on Western and 3rd in downtown Central City.
And that blur? That's me on my way to it.
I'm going 352 miles an hour.
And it's a slow day.
This is Ladder 52.
We're still at least two minutes out.
People are gonna die in there.
I know.
Barry? Barry! What? Did I miss it? You overshot by about six blocks.
[Sighs] My bad.
Paige! My daughter! Has anyone seen my daughter? Paige! Whoa! You there yet? What are you doing? Nothing.
Who were you talking to? - No one.
- Are you talking to Barry? - Who? - Barry Allen? Struck by lighting? Was in a coma for nine months? Woke up being able to run faster than the speed of sound? Ring a bell? No.
Haven't talked to him.
Cisco, there's fire everywhere! Cisco, are you still there? Mom? Mommy! - Whoa! - Mommy! [Siren wails] Everybody's out.
What else you got for me, Cisco? Barry, it's Caitlin.
Hey, Caitlin.
How's your day? Get back to S.
On my way.
[Exhales] Oh.
Have you both lost your minds? Who do you think you are? Well, I'm the eyes and ears, and he's the feet.
This isn't funny.
You could have gotten yourself killed.
You can't be running around the city like some supersonic fireman.
Why not? This is what we talked about: Me using my speed to do good.
We talked about you helping us contain other people who might have been affected by the particle accelerator explosion.
And aside from Clyde Mardon, we haven't found any.
People in this city still need help.
- [Sighs] - And I can help them.
We can help them.
Will you please say something? I think what Caitlin is saying, in her own spectacularly angry way, is that we are just beginning to understand what your body is capable of.
Not to sound like a broken record, Mr.
Allen I do caution restraint.
Wells I doubt restraint is how you got to be the man you are today.
In a wheelchair and a pariah.
Lack of restraint is what made me these things.
Know your limits.
don't expect me to patch you up every time you break something.
Hey, uh Anything happen out there today? The sensors in the suit were kicking back some weird telemetry, like your vitals spiked for a few seconds.
Never felt better.
[Phone vibrates] [Sighs] Hey, Joe, everything all right? Great.
I got a fresh crime scene A dead body Detectives interviewing witnesses miles of that yellow tape stretched over everything.
I'm only missing one thing.
Can you guess what that is? I'll be right there.
My day job beckons.
When do you think he'll realize he didn't take his clothes? [Indistinct police chatter] Hmm.
Perp made off with a bunch of handguns, at least six Glock 19s fitted with extra ammunition magazines.
Somebody's looking to do a whole lot of bad.
Hey, sorry I'm late.
Doing a little fall shopping, Mr.
Allen? Oh.
[Nervous laugh] I was going so fast this morning, I didn't even notice.
I downloaded the surveillance footage off the video camera.
[Gunshots] Looks like only one perp.
Footage may only show one, but it was six guys.
Look, the tracks.
They're all crossing each other.
Six sets of footprints.
Six guns stolen.
We should be looking for a crew.
Huh Weird.
The shoes, it looks like they're all the same size.
Men's tens, I'd guess.
Just like you, Captain.
Not that you're a suspect, sir.
I-- Your ability to multi-task is truly remarkable.
The way you can embarrass me, the captain, and yourself all at the same time.
Joe, I'm sorry.
I'm starting to think "Joe, I'm sorry" is my actual name considering how often you say it to me.
I'm dealing with a lot right now.
Look, I know you are.
Believe me, I'm dealing with it, too.
I've always had a very simple set of beliefs.
Gravity makes things fall.
Water makes things wet.
And up until a few weeks ago, I believed the fastest man could run a mile in four minutes.
Not four seconds.
I could do it in three.
Not relevant.
You haven't said anything to Iris about all this, have you? No, I made you a promise.
I keep my promises.
Keep on lying like that.
You're liable to get struck by lightning again.
Get up to the lab.
Start processing the evidence from the gun store.
[Tires screech] Hey,Iris.
Did Barry run away again? Unless that's one of your homework questions, little lady, it's none of your business.
Go on back to your room.
I want to see my dad.
I already said no, Barry.
He didn't do those things.
He didn't hurt my mom.
I was there that night.
I saw.
There was a man.
Yeah, I know.
We've gone through this already.
Then why can't I go see him? Because I said so.
You're not my father! You can't tell me what to do! Right now, I am the only adult that gives a damn what happens to you, so yes, I can tell you what to do.
Now go to your room.
I hate you! [Exhales] This is all of your fault.
I could have taken European folklore to cover my sociology requirement, but no.
You said, "take journalism, Iris.
Reporters have all of the fun.
" Guess what, Barry? Reporters have none of the fun.
Journalism is boring.
I'm bored.
I blame you.
What? Why are you staring at me like that? You look really nice.
Why don't you look nice? This afternoon? Suit and tie? The university is giving Simon Stagg - Simon Stagg.
- Some big award.
And you agreed-- to explain the science stuff for your article.
It's all coming back to me now.
How fast can you get home and change? Uh, pretty fast.
Hey, Allen.
Joe asked me to see where you're at on the evidence from the gun store shooting.
Oh, hey, Iris.
Please, guys, uh, just kiss already.
I already know, remember? Ah.
Thanks for being so cool about this, Barry.
I know it's not easy keeping a big secret.
[Sighs] I'm getting used to it.
[Applause] I find it quite remarkable, having once been a timid freshman at Central City University, to be standing before you now, the regents choice for man of the year.
While I very much appreciate the award, the real honor for me is knowing that my work in organ transference helps give people a second chance at life.
Thank you all very much for coming.
All right, first things first Simon Stagg's work in cellular cloning has led to huge advancements in the future of organ replacement Are journalists allowed to drink on the job? Okay.
If you are bored already, just wait till we get to the science behind cellular regeneration.
I have missed this, Barry.
I feel like we haven't spent any quality time together since you woke up from the coma.
Yeah, I've had a crazy few weeks, I know.
I thought maybe you'd been avoiding me because of Eddie.
I know you think it's wrong, me dating my dad's partner, and I just-- No.
That is not it.
At all.
Oh! Oh! Mr.
Stagg, I was wondering if I could get a quote from you for my article.
Not now, miss.
- I'll just make something up.
- [Laughs] So What were you gonna tell me? You looked like you were about to say something.
Yeah-- [Gunshots] - [Grunts] - Ah! Quiet down! All of you! Oh, my God.
Quiet! How considerate! You're all wearing your finest jewelry! Almost like you knew we were coming to rob you! Now everybody line up! Don't.
Freeze! D-d-drop your weapons! Barry.
Barry! I turned around and you were gone.
What happened? Are you okay? Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
I I went after them to try and get the plates.
- Wha--? - And I I fainted.
- Hi.
- Iris.
Where were you? Dad, go easy.
I found him outside.
He fainted.
You want me to get you a paramedic, Allen? No, I'm fine.
Thanks, Eddie.
I thought I was dead.
I saw the gun go off, and then-- boom.
Suddenly I'm outside.
I have no idea how I got there.
Let me talk to you for a second.
You chased those gunmen, didn't you? Yeah, they must be the same guys that knocked over the gun shop earlier today.
And what were you going to do when you caught them? Huh? Ask them nicely to pull over? You're not bulletproof.
Are you? - No, but-- - Okay.
No more heroics.
Chasing bad guys is not your job.
It's mine.
You're not a cop.
Promise me.
And you know Iris is not stupid.
Start making better excuses than "I fainted.
" I You lied to us.
How could you not tell us you're experiencing dizzy spells? We're your doctors.
God knows what's going on inside your body.
Your cells are in a constant state of flux.
You could be experiencing cardiopulmonary failure or a transient ischemic attack.
Mini stroke.
Probably not.
You of all people should know that in science, we share.
We do not keep secrets.
Wow I haven't seen anyone make her that angry since Ronnie.
Ronnie was Caitlin's fiance? The one that died the night of the accelerator explosion? Yeah.
He is missed.
Now Let's figure out why this is happening to you.
We're all set.
A little padding.
Just in case.
You're sure about this, Cisco? Most home treadmills have a maximum speed of about This one has been Cisco'ed.
Trust me.
It can handle your speed.
Heart rate, blood pressure, nerve conduction all normal.
For Barry.
Brainwave function within standard limits.
[Laughs] I told you the treadmill could take it.
Look at the glucose levels.
Oh, my God.
Of course.
- Right? - It was so obvious.
Glucose levels.
Barry! We think we know why you keep-- passing out.
Barry! Where's Barry? Taking a shower.
At three o'clock in the afternoon? If I go up those stairs, am I gonna see Barry Allen? Or are you gonna be grounded for a week for lying to me? I'm sorry, Daddy.
But don't worry.
I know where he went.
Me too.
[Groans] I passed out again? Total metabolic failure brought on by acute hypoglycemia.
I'm not eating enough.
So an I.
bag and I'm good to go? [Chuckles] Try 40.
Guess you were thirsty.
We're gonna need to fashion you a new diet based on your metabolic changes.
I've done a few calculations.
You need to consume an amount equal to roughly Unless we're talking cheese and guac, which is like a whole other set of equations.
For Mexican, I recommend Tito's.
On Bruckner Avenue? Best burrito in the city.
Detective West.
What brings you to S.
Labs? When I couldn't find you at your lab, I started doing a little research.
Turns out there's been reports of a red streak around the city, stopping muggers, rescuing people from burning buildings.
You didn't tell him we were working together? Joe, I can explain.
You already have a job in law enforcement, Barry.
I suggest you get back to it.
Don't look at me.
I'm on your side.
We all want what's best for Barry.
If you wanted what was best for Barry, you'd try to talk him out of this lunacy instead of encouraging him going out there risking his life.
You saw a man control the weather.
What are the police gonna do against someone like that? Since the accelerator explosion we suspect there may be more like him.
And you're gonna do what? Catch them? Are you insane? You think because you can run real fast that you're invincible? You're not! You're just a kid.
My kid.
I'm not your kid, Joe.
And you're not my father.
My father's sitting in Iron Heights.
Wrongfully convicted.
You were wrong about him.
And you're wrong about this.
Now I may not be able to help him, but if I can save someone from a burning building or stop some armed thieves, I'm gonna do it.
And you can't stop me.
So don't try.
You think you're so smart.
All of you.
But you don't know what you don't know.
And I hope that you're clever enough to figure it out before somebody gets killed.
Where's the rest of your crew? Just me.
What do you want, black? The only thing I still want in life Your boss dead.
It's not my fault you and your team moved too slow.
I told you where Stagg would be, not how long he'd be there.
I need his full itinerary.
And security access to his office and home.
Screw you.
I've got a reputation in the security business.
It's one thing if my employer gets iced.
It's another if it happens in his bedroom.
You'll do what I ask, Mr.
What the hell are you gonna do to me without your army? [Grunting and groaning] I am an army.
[Grunting] Come to yell at me again? Simon Stagg's head of security was murdered last night.
The coroner took some skin samples.
Hopefully they belong to the killer.
See if you can find a match.
Can't be a coincidence that Stagg's benefit was attacked last night.
I'm going to interview Stagg now.
- I'll come with you.
- Your job is in here.
Stay in here and do it.
- Hey, Dad.
- Hey, baby.
Gotta go.
Why is my dad mad at you? Work stuff.
Why are you mad at me? You were supposed to meet me at jitters to give me some scientific background for my article.
And I didn't show up.
And now I have to come up with a new article topic in 24 hours or I fail the assignment.
- Iris-- - Don't say that you're sorry.
Okay, I know that you are.
What I don't know is what is going on with you.
- [Sighs] - We grew up one bedroom down from each other.
Do you honestly think that I don't know when you're happy? Or sad or depressed or lost? I'm gonna ask you one last time, Barry Allen, and you better be honest with me.
What the-- You want to know what's happening.
I'm fast now.
God, I just want to tell you.
How I feel.
How you make me feel.
But I can't.
Hell is going on with you? [Beeping] We are not done talking about this.
That's impossible.
There was a murder last night.
These skin cells belong to the murderer, but these cells are naive.
Stem cells that they can replicate and become any cell the body needs.
They only come from babies.
This means your killer is what, a newborn? You honestly think that someone wants to kill me? Well, we're not sure, Mr.
Stagg, but An event you were being honored at was robbed at gunpoint.
And your head of security was found murdered this morning.
I am a scientist and a philanthropist.
We're not often the targets of assassins.
WellWhat about lawsuits? You got about 20 of those pending against you.
It is a sad fact of life, Detective, that when you earn a lot of money, people who haven't think they can take yours.
People like this guy, for example? Danton Black? Danton Black.
You fired him.
Now he's suing you.
Unfortunately, our working relationship wasn't successful, but I can assure you both of one thing.
Danton Black Is not a killer.
He's a clinical researcher, not a criminal mastermind.
Now, if I can help you in any way, please let me know.
I want these people caught as much as you.
Then here we are! Down! [Gunshots] [Urgent chatter] Captain, what's going on? Not now, Barry.
An armed gunman is shooting up Stagg industries.
Joe's there.
Get him out of here.
I'll cover you.
Ready? Go.
[Grunts] Go! No.
Whoever you are, give yourself up.
We are not going anywhere.
All: Until Simon Stagg is dead.
[Grunting] [Groaning] Sorry.
The abrasions are already rapidly healing.
Yeah, I got my ass handed to me.
You got blood on my suit.
I think some of it belongs to him.
Another not-so-friendly meta-human.
Danton Black.
[Sighs] He's a bio-geneticist specialized in therapeutic cloning.
Growing new organs to replace failing ones.
Apparently Stagg stole his research and then fired him.
I saw Black create duplicates from his own body.
That's pretty ironic.
The guy specialized in cloning and now he can make xeroxes of himself.
If he was experimenting on himself when he was exposed to the dark matter wave released by the particle accelerator explosion-- Meet Captain clone.
Don't worry.
I'll come up with something cooler.
Where are you going? Joe was right.
I'm in way over my head.
Yeah, I'm fast, but I am no warrior.
Man, I could barely fight one meta-human, let alone six.
I understand.
Today was a setback.
But any grand enterprise has them.
And we can never learn to fly without crashing a few times.
This wasn't a grand enterprise, Dr.
This was a mistake.
[Door buzzes] Dad! Sorry.
No physical contact.
Five minutes, Allen.
Sit down, son.
Barry, how did you get here? I ran here.
Joe wouldn't bring me.
He wouldn't let me see you.
I hate him.
No, no.
Don't--don't say that.
It isn't Joe that doesn't want you to come here.
I don't want you to come here.
I don't want you to see me like this.
You have to let him go.
My dad didn't do these things.
He didn't hurt my mom.
It was the man in the lightning.
The lightning man killed my mom.
- Barry, look at me.
- Not my dad.
Look at me.
You can't help me.
Okay? Now Joe's gonna look after you until I can get out of here.
You just be the good boy that your mom and I know you are.
Dad? Dad? Detective, was the gunman apprehended? The shooter's whereabouts are unknown at this time.
We consider him armed and extremely dangerous.
Thank you.
No more questions.
Nice work, Eddie.
Right place, right time.
No, you were a hero today.
CCPD still has a killer on the loose.
I should get back to the precinct.
So did you come here for caffeine, or are you finally gonna tell me what's going on with you? Mr.
Stagg, I wish you would reconsider our offer for protective custody.
Danton Black has proven he is willing to kill, and he's got uh Friends.
And trust me, they're all dangerous.
I've increased my security, Detective.
I hope black comes looking for trouble.
'Cause he'll find plenty.
[Hand clapping] Spoken like a true philanthropist.
Or is it humanitarian? Ah.
I'm sorry.
I can never remember which one you're pretending to be, Simon.
Harrison [Elevator dings] Don't get up.
Ha-ha! Another fan of yours, Doctor? Can we talk, Detective? So you were right.
Barry's not the only one who's special.
This guy that tried to kill Simon Stagg today, he could-- Replicate spontaneously.
Yeah, we know.
Did you know about Barry? When he was first in his coma you came to the hospital, and you asked me if you could take him to S.
Did you know what he could do? - [Laughs] - [Laughs] I had my suspicions that he was affected.
Hey, Joe I was never looking to become the senior member of a secret crime fighting unit.
You and I both know we are the only ones equipped to protect Central City.
Maybe I'm more interested in protecting Barry.
But of course he's all set to fly into the fire right along with you.
No, he's not.
Not anymore.
He quit.
He didn't tell you? I haven't seen him.
Well I'm sure it's only temporary.
From what I know of Barry, when he sets his mind to something No one's gonna talk him out of it.
But the next time he suits up Fshh! Runs headlong into danger He will fail.
Why? He doesn't think he's capable.
Doubt Is his real enemy.
Joe, not whatever's lurking out there.
And as long as you continue to doubt him, he'll keep doubting himself.
And for the record I care about him, too.
Guess you were hungry.
- Stress eating.
- Ah.
I came to say I'm sorry.
And you're right.
I have been distant.
- Correct.
- Kind of a jerk.
You should apologize more often.
You are really sensational at it.
So What were you going to tell me the other day? I thought I had to do something.
Something I thought was important, but it turns out that I'm not very good at it.
But what I am good at is being your friend.
So if you need help coming up with a new topic for your article-- I found one.
Something that actually interests me.
I know this is gonna sound crazy It's been all over the Internet this week.
At a building fire At a bank heist Even the other night when those robbers shot at the security guard, he said he was whooshed outside.
Something out there is saving people.
I thought you were taking journalism.
Not science fiction writing.
Ever since I have known you you have believed in the impossible.
What if you were right? What if you were right about the night that your mom died? [Phone vibrates] Look, I told you I'm through.
I know, but you need to get to S.
Labs right now.
- Barry, it's okay.
- It is not okay.
Black is here, and he's juststanding there.
That's not him, is it? It's one of his replicates.
How did you get it? I grew him.
I isolated a sample of Black's blood from you suit to see if I could trigger the in vitro cultivation process and learn how Black multiplies.
So I exposed the target cells to a protein gel, and they began replicating Into that.
Why isn't he It doing anything? We did a brain scan.
Involuntary motor functions are active, little else.
We think it's acting as a receiver.
The clones are an empty shell without Black.
Shut down the real Black, and you might shut them all down.
But how do we know which one's the real Danton Black? That occurred to me given your own passing out.
Black has limits, just like you.
Controlling all of those clones must require a tremendous amount of physical strength.
So, look for the one showing signs of weakness or fatigue.
He's the prime.
Just a theory But one you might want to put to the test, Mr.
Plus, I whipped up these high- calorie protein bars for you to keep your metabolism up.
Ah! [Gunshots] Ah! Any more of them? Nope.
Why did it start moving? The prime.
My guess is, the prime is on the move.
This one heard the summons to battle.
And I know where he was summoned to.
Stagg Industries.
You should call it in.
Police can't fight this.
What Black's become, like Mardon Beyond me.
Maybe way beyond them, too.
The only person it's not beyond is you.
You gotta do this.
I get it.
So for once in your life, do what I tell you to do.
Go stop him.
Just get me those figures by morning, okay? Freeze.
Don't move.
[Gunshots] [Gunshots] Hello, Danton.
Goodbye, Simon.
Stay here.
I know Stagg stole your research, but that doesn't give you the right to murder.
[Grunting] You think this is about my job.
Aah! This is about Elizabeth.
She was my wife.
Gah! She had a degenerative coronary disease.
She'd been on the transplant list for years, but Time was running out.
So if I couldn't get her a new heart You were gonna grow her one.
I was so close.
Until Stagg stole my research.
So he could reap the glory.
And I got to bury my best friend.
Now I'm alone.
Gah! Ah! [Grunting] Ah! Remember, Barry.
Find the prime.
There's too many of them to fight.
Barry, you need to isolate the prime.
I can't.
It's impossible.
Nothing's impossible, Barry.
You taught me that.
You can do this.
[Battle cry] [Punching] [Grunts] [Heavy breathing] [Laughs] Barry.
Barry, are you all right? I'm fine.
I'm fine.
It's done.
Hang on! No! Don't.
Ah! Central City police officials are now confirming former employee Danton Black-- tried to save him.
Doesn't sound like he wanted to be saved.
Some people, when they break They can't be put together again.
Some people heal even stronger.
I hope so.
Well, at least multiplex won't be able to hurt anyone else.
Told you I'd come up with a cool name.
Yeah, I may be the one in the suit doing all the running But when I'm out there helping people, making a difference You're all out there with me.
Finally realized something, we were all struck by that lightning.
Hungry? Pepperoni, olives And jalapeño.
Just like you like it.
Thank you.
You were wrong.
I have been wrong a lot this week.
You're gonna have to be more specific.
You said that one of things driving you to run around out there was that you couldn't help your dad.
You can help him.
We can.
We're gonna figure out who or what killed your mother that night.
And then we're gonna get your father out of prison.
Joe, what I said about you not being my father-- Barry, I know.
I know I'm not your father.
You're right.
You're not.
You're just The man who kept me fed and in clothes Who sat beside my bed at night until I fell asleep because I was afraid of the dark helped me with my homework You taught me how to drive and shave And you dropped me off at college.
Sounds a lot like a dad to me.
Every kid dreams of being a superhero.
Having powers.
Saving people.
But no kid thinks about what it's like when you're a hero and you're not saving people.
Truth is [Phone rings] Not much else changes.
You still hurt.
You still love.
You still wish and hope and fear things.
And you still need people to help you with all of it.
In some ways, that's the best part.
Barry, an armored car was just hijacked on Griffin Avenue.
Get your ass over there.
I got it.
Actually The best part? It's this.
[Elevator dings] Wells Who the hell let you in here? You been having a party out there? I'm sure you saw on TV.
A former employee of mine tried to kill me.
Former employee with the ability to replicate Faced off against a man who could move at super speed.
You've seen him too, haven't you? Indeed, I have.
The power he possesses, it's like the-- it's like the Gods of old.
It's like Mercury on earth.
Can you imagine if you could control his power? If you could--if you could harness it? You could change what it means to be human.
The man in a red mask is the key, and I'm gonna get him.
The man in the red mask.
He's called the Flash.
Or at least He will be one day.
What the hell? [Grunts] Forgive me, Simon.
I worry you think that you will think this is personal, and it's not.
It's just that the man in the red mask The fastest man alive he must be kept safe.

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