Chapter Four: Just...Awkward

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After shoving Shawn out into the hallway and slamming the door Casey turned back to me waiting for me to tell her what happen. But I just kinda stood there in shock. I mean for real tho how does she expect me to explain what happened it's just so.... So awkward. I mean yeah it was an accident and everything but my boyfriend. No no no my ex boyfriend just pretty much saw me naked and idk how-

"Ummmm Kris do you wanna tell me what just happened?" I look up at Casey and shrugged my shoulders. At this point there's not much I can really do. He saw me naked and there is nothing I can't really do about that now .

"Well I was getting dressed and that doe head decide he was going to walk in at that moment."

" Well why were you changing-" She started but I cut her off real quick because there is no way Casey is going to pin this on me. I know her way to well and she is going to twist this to make it seem like I did it on purpose just so her brother doesn't sound like the perv who stared at me almost naked while I screamed at him to go away. But did he listen? No he didn't kept looking at me with those eyes that pull you in and oh god the look he had in his eyes. He totally wanted to jump my bones that's for sure. Although the feeling was VERY mutual. I can't just be like "oh hey Shawn let me just dropped my panties for you even though you left me heart broken and I can't forgive you but I want you to fuck right here while your sister and my best friend is in the next room" yeah like that would happen. Well maybe. But Casey was looking really really pissed at me so right maybe not the best time to think about jumping him.

"Why aren't you mad at Shawn! Casey I get it that's your brother and it was an accident. And maybe I shouldn't change where anyone could walk in but the point is Shawn didn't leave. He kept staring at me! So don't you even dare try to make this my fault." I yelled that last part because with every word she seemed to get madder. I can not understand where all her sudden angry is coming from and why it's directed at me.

" Ok but still Kris you shouldn't be changing out in the open like that. I mean you can't blame him.He was just being a guy."

"So what if he's a guy! That is not reason or excuse for him staring there looking at me."

"Yeah but that's not the-"

"Oh yeah cause he's your innocent brother, right?"

Casey look at me with anger which I still can't understand. She thinks Shawn is just some little angel but he's not. Casey crossed her arm and then stomped back into the bathroom. Ugh why does she have to be so difficult! Whatever hopefully she'll get over it quick cause honestly I never ever want to talk about this again.

I reached for my discarded dress on the ground when I realized that I was still into Shawn's over sized shirt. I picked up the dress and toss it on the bed. I would much rather wear his shirt and stay in than out. But I don't Casey would have any of that. I sighed and started to lift the shirt up and stuff it into my bag. I know I know it sounds super creepy but I never know when I will need a super long t shirt. Or if I want to just smell it because honestly all his stuff smells like him. And he just smells so good.

I finished getting ready and looked in the mirror one last time. Damn do I look hot.

I peek into bathroom through the small crack in the door and see Casey was just starting to do her hair. Ugh that means it's going to take her an hour to do her hair and then a hour to straighten mine and then by that time it will be to late to head out. I guess I'm going with black waves. At least they look good tonight instead of their usually natted mess.

Looking around the room I notice the missing third person in our group. Wait a second Shawn is still outside! We never let him back in after the incident. Which means I better let him back in. But on the other hand I could just stay right here in wait because if I see I'll probably just embarrass myself trying to act like nothing happened. When did I become such a hot mess?

I opened the door and poked my head to the left and was greeted with a empty hallway. I turned my head the other way. At first he was difficult to see but then I could slowly start to make out Shawn silhouette against the dark sky. As quietly as I could I stalked toward him not wanting to have to face him just yet before figuring out my opening statement.

Sadly it was a very short hallway and it seemed I was there way to fast and just as I turn to make my retreat back to the room he spoke,
"You always were terrible at sneaking up on people,right?"

I froze in my tracks with one foot in mid step. I turned around agin to face him. This time he was leaning against the rail staring back at me with a small smile set on his lips.

I took my time walking over to the rail next to him and leaned against it the way he had before he turned. I sighed and rest my hand on my chin glazing up at the stars like some cliche girl, but I didn't know where else to look. I don't know what I was thinking to coming out here.

"I'm sorry ya know." He said after a minutes of us just standing there.

"I know," I answered back, " doesn't mean I'm not upset about it."

Again we sunk back back into silence. Well this is definitely awkward as fuck.

"Ummm I'm going to go Casey so we can go." I said quickly turning rapidly to make my escape. This is certainly not my idea of how this road trip would be going.

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