Chapter Three: Tears and Hot Hotels

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"I swear if she snores any louder we leaving her at the next truck stop." Shawn said and I covered my mouth trying not to laugh to loud. For the past hour we have been making fun of Casey's snoring. Let me tell you she has never snored this bad before. I don't even know how to describe it. It's like she's a mega snorer, but times ten. Although it is annoying it's also very entertaining.

"Forget the next stop! If it gets worst just leave her on the side of the road and we'll pick her up on the way back." This time we didn't try to cover our wild laughter which earned us a scolding from Casey. The one. The only. Mega Snorer that will go down in History just called me a fat pig. Which is very is misleading since I am neither fat or a pig, but honestly who the hell knows what is going on in the psychopathic mind of hers. I mean seriously when I was trying on bathing suits a few weeks ago she told me told me that I reminded her of her dead turtle Skittles while I was trying a pink one piece. How does a pink one piece swimsuit remind her of a 10 year old dead turtle. I will never understand.

"So how was the last couple days of school? Do you miss it already?" Shawn asked after we had quieted down.

"What nooo, why would I miss school?" I yelled whispered at him.

" Awwwww come on you know you were always a little bit of a bookworm Kristina." Shawn looked over at me with a serious look like he was trying to figure me out.

"Well for your information I've changed since you left you know. What did you expect me to be the same when you finally showed up again!" This time I didn't even try to keep my voice down. He probably thinks I'm still the weak little innocent girl he used to know, but I'm not. I'm not because of him. He broke me and left me shattered with the pieces to pick up and I did. I picked them up and put them back together. Just not the way they used to be. I'm stronger now though. Well and meaner. I stopped putting up with people and wasting my time. If he thinks I'm the same girl then he is going to get a rude waking and find out the hard way how much I've changed. And I'm going to enjoy it.

"No I didn't.....but I know you didn't moved on to someone else." He looked at me again with dark eyes.Oh dang it what do I say to that. So what if I never went out with anyone else?

"So what?" I snapped back. I'll show him.

"That means I still have a chance, then." Then he turned up the radio cutting off my comeback and making Casey make weird noises in the back.

2 hours later.....

"I'm ready to stop already. Hey. Hey you guys we should get a hotel to stay in for the night!" Casey randomly AGAIN was screaming in a very pitchy voice making me swerve the car AGAIN.

"I'm up for it." Shawn called out from the back.

"Alright then the next town we hit we'll get a hotel and maybe look around for a couple hours cause it's only 1 o'clock." I said

" Yes, PARTY TIME TONIGHT!'' Casey cried out. Oh this should be fun.

"Ok so the black dress or the red one?" I was sitting on the bed doing my eye make-up when Casey walked out and asked me. I studied them both. The red one was mid thigh and the top part was rhinestones shaped into a heart and would make her breast pop. The black one was similar to the red expect it was shorter and was a v-neck but the v went all the way down to her belly button and was sparkly. I absolutely loved them both ,but there was a problem.

" I love them both, but uh one tiny little problem."

"What?" She yelled back obviously surprised by my answer.

" Your brother is never going to let you leave this room dressed like that." I said to her.

"Hahahaahahahahah yeah like he has a choice. He does not get to control me like that and I'm not going to listen to him." She giggled and then held up the the dresses again.


"Definitely the red one C."

"Yessss... I've been dying to wear this one." Then she turned on her heel and walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. I laughed and then stood up and walked over to my dress that was hanging on one of the three hangers inside. I took it off the hanger and held it against my body in front of the long mirror on the wall. I sighed. I loved this dress. It was gorgeous and a deep dark purple with black edges and came right passed my butt. It was shiny and had a sparkly silver belt that wrapped around high on my waist. I sighed again. God I loved this dress.

I layed it down on the first bed and pulled off my jeans and undies and then slipped on the lace black thong. Then I pulled off my shirt and twisted my arms behind me to unclasp my bra so I could put on matching bra. I let the straps slide down my arms just as the door was opening I didn't even have time to react.The door was wide open and Shawn was standing there. It really happened in slow motion. My bra fell, the door opened, and Shawn and I were staring at each other.It's when his eyes moved down my body I started to scream. I threw up my arms trying to cover my chest. Then Casey opened up the door and took a look around and then starting screaming at Shawn while he stood there with his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. I pulled on a t-shirt that was laying on the bed trying to cover up myself and then realized it was Shawn's by how much it swallowed me and smelled like him. Geez could this tonight get any worst?

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