Love Shot

142 8 2

2:35 AM

"Go home~" He softly whispered as the scent of alcohol lingered on my skin.

"You know I can't just leave you like this." I answered as I scanned the bar we were in. It's empty. It's just me, him, and the bartender on the far right corner of the counter.

Seungyoun had too much to drink again. I don't know what to do with him anymore. He always does this when he feels just the tiniest bit of sad. What's wrong this time? What could've happened? I just got a text from Seungwoo 30 minutes ago, and here I am trying to get this man out of here.

"Seungyoun~ah, let's get you home. That's enough already. Please?" It hurts me seeing him this way. He is always the one who wants everybody else to be happy. He lifts everbody's spirits up. He's the life of the party... but this side of him. It's a painful sight to see.

"I don't wanna go. They hate me." He pouted like a little kid. He was holding and scanning his last bottle of who-knows-what-he-was-drinking. I should be really sad at this moment, but, I just can't brush off the thought of how cute he is right now. Wow. Here I go again, trying to make the most out of this rare chance of memorizing every detail of his face that I can't do when he's sober. We've been friends for a while now, but there's no way I'm telling him I like him. That would ruin our friendship, and I think his fans will track me down, so.. let's keep it a secret.

"Who dares to hate you?" I snapped back out of my thoughts before I do something stupid. "Who said they hate you?" I worriedly asked again.

He just continued gazing at the bottle he's holding, then suddenly, he answered with his drunk but sweet voice. "I know we have a lot of people supporting us, but there are still people who say bad things. They hurt, you know? Those words hurt. Am I not good enough?" I could see the pain in his eyes. I could here it in his voice too. My precious Seungyoun, how can someone say bad things about him? You are more than enough, Seungyoun. You don't deserve this.

"Hey~ Don't listen to them. They don't even know you. I know, and your fans know, you are an amazing person. You have talent. You are kind, and sincere. You always look out for the members. Your passion inspires a lot of people, especially your fans. You have a good heart. No one can take that away from you." I said with a meek smile.

"You always know what to say to make me feel better." He finally smiled his biggest smile. "What will I do without you?" He said as he reached out his hand to hold mine. He moved closer and playfully held my hand. He leaned closer, our eyes locked into each other. No one wanted to break off the moment. "Hey~" Seungyoun whispered as his breath touched my face. The scent of alcohol didn't bother me. "Thank you for being here with me." He said with the purest smile. Before I could say something, he leaned even closer and pulled me in for a kiss. His soft lips touched mine. He was very careful. He slowly moved his lips as his hands were gently holding my face. My first kiss. And it is with someone I really like. Is this even real? Why would he even kiss me?  Is he really that drunk? Oh shit. He's drunk. I broke off the kiss and stood up. Seungyoun looked at me with confusion.

"You're drunk. Let's go." I said plainly. I can't believe I gave in. He must've thought I really liked that he kissed me. Gosh! I feel so stupid. Why did it suddenly feel hot?  I turned around, ready to walk out, but his hand caught mine. His grip was too tight, I couldn't break free. I turned back around to look at him.

"I'm sorry." Those were the only words that came out of Seungyoun's mouth. Then there was silence. We were just staring at each other. His hand still holding mine, trying to keep me from walking away any moment. I swear I was about to cry, but I had to say something, anything.

"I'll just call Seungwoo and ask him to bring you home instead." I let out a sigh. "I'm gonna go ahead. Just wait here for Seungwoo, or whoever they decide to come pick you up." I felt sorry for having to leave him, but I have to do this for my sanity.  I turned around and walked out of the bar. I didn't look back. I feel embarrassed enough.

I hurriedly walked out of the bar, crossed the road on the way to the park. I needed some air before I head back home. As I reached the park beside the parking lot, I stopped and looked around. I saw a playground and went straight towards it. I sat on the swing and reflected on what just happened. I can't believe I just had my first kiss.. and it was with Seungyoun. I can never tell him how much I'm falling for him. It will ruin everything. I just have to walk away and move on. Forget about the man I left in the bar. Forget about that magical kiss that sent chills to my entire body.

I took out my phone to call Seungwoo, when suddenly a familiar voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "I found you!" I turned around, it was Seungyoun. He stood there behind me, looking upset. He walked towards me and kinda knelt down in front of me. "It really hurt seeing you leave like that." He said with a hint of pain in his voice. "I'm not too drunk yet. I was fully aware of what I did. I must've startled you, made you confused. I'm sorry." He apologized. I'm scared of falling for this. Is he even being honest? Well, he never lies to me or to anyone else. But..

"I just need some time to think." I said plainly. I couldn't think of anything else to say right now.

"Okay. Just know that, that was real. This is real. That kiss, I meant to do that. I've always liked you. And I was sorta hoping you feel the same way." He blushed. Seungyoun is blushing? What? Is he serious right now? What is going on? First, he kissed me, now he's telling me he likes me? Am I dreaming?

"Hey~ say something! I just confessed!" He said.

"Uh..." I really didn't know what to say. I can't tell him I like him too... I'm still scared... and uncertain.

"Wait! Don't say anything! Let's just go home." He stood up and pulled my hand. We were hurriedly walking towards the parking lot. As he was pulling me, his hand tightly gripping mine, my brain (and my heart) is still trying to process what's happening. Did he really just confess? That kiss was real? He likes me?

"Yah~ Seungyoun!" He continued dragging me towards the parking lot pretending not to hear me. "CHO SEUNGYOUN!!!!" I screamed with all the power I could use, and stopped walking.

"I like you." Oh shit I can't believe I just said it!!! Ohmygod?? "I...." What is wrong with me? I tried to cover my face with my hands, but then I saw his smile. The smile that I like, that I love. That smile that can make all my worries disappear. I can't help it, I smiled too. He started giggling and walked closer to me. He pulled me in a tight but gentle hug. I could feel his heart beating so fast. I could smell that he still reeks alcohol, but I didn't care. I hugged him even tighter and buried my face in his chest. It felt great.

"You really like me?" He asked while pulling away from my embrace. He's still wearing that sweet smile.

"Yes." I reassured him. "Do you really like me?" I asked him too.

"A thousand times, yes." His smile grew bigger. He leaned in again and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead. "I am falling for you, everyday." He said sweetly. How can I not fall for him too? I'm scared, but what I feel for him is stronger than my fear.

"Stop being so cheesy." I said while blushing.

We just stood there in the middle of the parking lot, looking at each other, smiling. No one wanted to ruin the moment. We just stayed there, letting the silence speak for us.

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